avatarJim McAulay🍁 I'm nobody. Are you a nobody too?


Jim, a writer who has recently joined the Illumination publication, introduces himself through a variety of his writings, reflecting his diverse interests and styles, and shares a poem by Emily Dickinson to encapsulate his identity.


Jim, the author, welcomes readers to his new home at the Illumination publication, where he finds a community that embraces his eclectic writing style. He responds to a prompt by Dr. Mehmet Yildiz to tag fellow writers and showcases stories from three randomly selected followers: Edie Tuck, Brian Emery, and Ashley Peterson. Jim uses Emily Dickinson's poem "I’m Nobody! Who are you?" to express his view on identity and fame, preferring the anonymity of being a "Nobody." He further defines himself by sharing several of his own articles, which cover a range of topics from the concept of Ubuntu, to technical pieces on Python programming, and creative works like short fiction, Haiku, and wordplay. Jim also touches on personal experiences, such as living in a town with a strong gun culture and his relationship with his cat. The articles reflect his attempt to love everyone, despite the imperfections of humanity, and his enjoyment of different forms of writing.


  • Jim values a publication that accepts diverse writing styles and subjects.
  • He identifies with Emily Dickinson's poem, suggesting a preference for privacy and anonymity over public recognition.
  • Jim believes in the philosophy of Ubuntu, which emphasizes community and mutual caring.
  • He expresses complex emotions, such as loving someone despite not supporting their actions, as seen in his article about Donald Trump.
  • Jim enjoys technical writing, particularly about Python programming.
  • He has a humorous take on his cat's mischievous behavior.
  • His experiences in a gun-culture town have shaped his perspective on violence and accidental tragedy.
  • Jim is adept at concise storytelling, as evidenced by his 50-word fiction and Haiku.
  • He appreciates wordplay and puns, indicating a playful and creative approach to language.

Hello I’m Jim

Photo by Taylor Wright on Unsplash

This is my first article in my new home ILLUMINATION. In reading stories from IllUMINATION I find a lot of eclectic writers. I write many different types of stories and until now, I have never found a publication that welcomes all of my different styles and subjects.

Before I get on with answering the question Who am I Dr Mehmet Yildiz asked us to tag a few writers who follow us. Here are stories from 3 randomly selected people who are following me

Edie Tuck

Brian Emery

Ashley Peterson

The best response to the question who am I is the poem

I’m Nobody! Who are your? by Emily Dickinson.

I’m Nobody! Who are you? Are you — Nobody — too? Then there’s a pair of us! Don’t tell! they’d advertise — you know!

How dreary — to be — Somebody! How public — like a Frog – To tell one’s name — the livelong June – To an admiring Bog!

I thought about just quoting the poem and leaving it at that.

Then I decided that contrary to the spirit of the poem I could introduce my self by sharing some of my writing.

Here’s another attempt at defining who I am

I try to love everybody however I am not perfect and that can sometimes to easier said than done.

Sometimes I write technical articles. I enjoy programing with Python.

We have a cat that loves knocking stuff off the kitchen table

For a while I lived in a small Alberta town that had a gun culture that rivaled that of some parts of the US.

I write short 50 word fiction.

Sometimes I write Haiku or Tanakas

I love word play and puns.

Emily Dickinson
Desmond Tutu
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