avatarRoss Derbyshire


“Hell Yeah, or No” An Easy Solution to Gain More Time for What Really Matters

We are constantly bombarded with seemingly endless choices, day in-day out. From the coffee we drink to the ketchup we squeeze onto the chips we have finally decided on for tea because we were frozen by indecision.

When is enough enough?

There may be a solution.

Derek Sivers’ “Hell Yeah or No” rule.

Photo by Florian Schmetz on Unsplash

Hell Yeah or No

Derek Sivers’ “Hell Yeah or No” rule (popularised in his book of the same name) is a decision-making approach to what controls your time. It encourages individuals to commit ONLY to activities, or opportunities, that elicit a strong, enthusiastic “Hell Yeah!”.

If an opportunity doesn’t, immediately, generate this level of excitement then it’s a “No”. We have a finite amount of time, isn’t it worth spending this most precious of things on what truly excites you?

The “Hell Yeah or No” rule promotes a more intentional and fulfilling approach to life. It does this by giving you the ability to avoid ‘lukewarm’ commitments and prioritising those that genuinely resonate with your OWN personal goals, and values.

Personal Goals and Values

The most obvious advantage of the “Hell Yeah or No” mindset is that it allows you to cut through indecision and focus on what truly matters.

By saying “Hell Yeah” to ONLY the things that excite us, we carve a path toward a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life.

If you have ever found yourself doing more for others, charity not withstanding, and have little to no time to dedicate to your own goals then this rule is for you.

Saying “No”

Unfortunately, the modern world has a constant stream of demands on our time, energy, and attention. From work, to friends, partners and children, social media and television to name but a few.

The “Hell Yeah or No” rule allows us to decline opportunities that are merely mediocre. With this more selective approach you will be left with more time, more energy and more attention to direct to what really matters.

By committing to follow the “Hell Yeah, or No” rule we are given a clarity to our decision making. It prompts us to reflect on what we truly desire. We do have a choice, life is not something that merely happens.

Whatever we find ourselves doing* is exactly what we want to be doing in that moment.

We show with our actions.

Not the could do’s, would do’s or should do’s.

If you want to be a writer but never write because you have overcommitted to activities (this can manifest in many ways; watching Netflix, playing Fifa, hosting dinner with a takeaway for the third time this week) that don’t align with your dream to be a writer, then I have some news for you. You don’t want to be a writer.

Implementing this rule brings clarity to your decision-making. If the decision doesn’t benefit your goal, or fill you with such enthusiasm that you feel “Hell Yeah”, then it’s a “No”.

Overcoming FOMO and Fear

The two biggest hurdles people find to fully embracing the “Hell Yeah, Or No” rule are FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) and fear.


Fear of missing out. We have all heard this phrase before, we have all probably felt it at one point in our lives. As is typical social media has turned the dial on FOMO.

Gone are the days of having to hear your friends or family tell you what you missed out on or how good such and such was. That was easier to avoid. Now you can watch every missed opportunity from every conceivable angle from the palm of your hand. It isn’t easy, I understand that, however…

“Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty… I have never in my life envied a human being who led an easy life. I have envied a great many people who led difficult lives and led them well” Theodore Roosevelt

But remember, saying no to those things you aren’t enthusiastic about could open doors to greater, more meaningful experiences.


And then there was simply, fear.

The fear of saying no to somebody.

The fear of letting somebody down.

The fear of offending.

The fear of xyz.

In the beginning of adopting the “Hell Yeah, Or No” rule, this will be difficult. Saying no to somebody that is so used to hearing you say yes will be daunting. It could potentially change the dynamic, but in your favour. Lets not forget the reason why you are saying no. You are making time to focus on YOU. On YOUR goal. On YOUR life.

Just as with everything in our lives, repetition is key. After the first time it’ll only get easier. You have to trust me on that, in fact no, don’t trust me. Do it and find out.

The Life You Want

By consistently choosing “Hell Yeah” experiences, you have the power to create a life surrounded by your passions and goals.

So next time somebody asks for your time, just think “ is this something that will benefit my goals and passions? Am I excited about this?”

But most importantly ask,

“Is this a Hell Yeah, or No?”

Please also consider the following, when used in combination this could make you unstoppable.

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