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Go Carts, Goth Weekend, Guinea Pigs & More

52 Week Photography Challenge January

© Susie Kearley

This is my response to the 52 week photography challenge in Full Frame…

1. Everything old is new again - Go retro.

Go carting is back in fashion. It was an old craze in the 1950s when people would make their own soap boxes with wheels, and run them down a hill. The craze phased out and kids got into other things, but in my local town there’s a Soap Box Derby every September. It’s part of the annual Kop Hill Climb event. This was one of my favourites...

© Susie Kearley

2. The Circle Game - Like the song, or not.

We went to the Isle of Purbeck in 2022 and followed the coastal path. This is a photo of Chapman’s Pool, a stunning circular pool. An interesting thing happening nearby was the excavation of a dinosaur fossil from the rocks. It was the most complete pliosaur skull ever found, and now they want to excavate the body. It’s a heck of a way down (and arduous walk back up) so we didn’t go down on this occasion. Maybe next time.

© Susie Kearley

3. Soft - Like cotton candy, or not.

Soft and fluffy always refers to my guinea pigs. Here’s Charlie, who came camping with us for the last year of his life. He helped me write a book, which sold over 100 copies at Christmas! It’s my best selling book ever and he’s the star.

© Susie Kearley

4. Film Noir - Get dark.

Whitby Goth Weekend is pretty dark and menacing at night. We loved the different outfits and the fun atmosphere. Here’s the grim reaper wandering through the churchyard looking for his next victim. Everyone dresses up for the occasion. I think I feel another story coming on about that one.

© Susie Kearley

5. Lie to me - Like the song, or not.

I don’t know about lying, but this is the neighbour’s cat relaxing by the pool, watching for wildlife…

© Susie Kearley

© Susie Kearley 2024. All Rights Reserved.

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