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Wintry Scenes from Frosty England

A walk in my Buckinghamshire town

© Susie Kearley

Anyone who’s living in the UK will know it’s been one of the warmest Decembers on record. I can’t remember it ever being 10 degrees centigrade outside in December.

This year, we’re able to graze the guinea pigs on the lawn for the first time ever over Christmas, and they’re loving it. We only need the heating on for 20 minutes in the morning because it’s so mild.

So why am I posting pictures of snow? Because we did have some lovely frost and snow last year, and I thought it was nice to share the photos anyway. Who knows, we might have snow again in January. And these pictures are all rather Christmassy.

So last December, we went for a walk on a frosty day.

© Susie Kearley

Saw the sheep…

Sheep © Susie Kearley

Visited St Mary’s Church…

St Mary’s © Susie Kearley

Photographed interesting cobwebs and frosty scenes…

© Susie Kearley

Everything was covered in a white frost…

© Susie Kearley

Even the weeds and wildflowers…

© Susie Kearley

Here’s my husband lagging behind.

My husband © Susie Kearley

I wrote a story about him lagging behind earlier this year. Half the readers were so offended on his behalf that I had to top and tail my piece with an explanation — it was supposed to be humorous and people should chill and not take everything so seriously! Read it here, if you like…

Here’s the frosty ground…

© Susie Kearley

Ethereal wintry views across the landscape, in the mist…

© Susie Kearley

Then came the proper snow! Husband got ahead of me here — he can get a little sprint on when he wants to! Just like the mother-in-law!

© Susie Kearley

Within a few days it was like an ice rink and slippery everywhere. So we weren’t even going out. Here’s the view from the nature reserve…

© Susie Kearley

And here’s the way home…

© Susie Kearley

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