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#Writing #Love #Art

Fall Madly in Love With Writing If You Want to Be a Writer

Photo by Infralist.com on Unsplash

Do you want to be a writer?


Then you need to fall madly in love with writing.

I also wanted to be a writer, and that did not happen until I fell madly in love with writing.

There is absolutely no other way you can become a writer. I have experienced it myself. I have talked to writers of different levels who shared a similar story.

No matter how peculiar it sounds, falling madly in love with writing is a must if you want to write.

There is no shortcut. There is no other formula.

You can read books after books on how to be a writer.

The market has an abundant supply of such books. The demand for these books is always high.

You can sign up for a course that teaches you the art of writing.

Apart from traditional educational institutions such as universities and colleges, there are also plenty of writing courses available on the internet. Countless people sign up for such courses every day.

You can read biographies of writers who have succeeded in making a living from writing.

There is no shortage of such books in the market either. Lots of people buy these biographies. I also bought some when I was a teenager.

You can do all these and some more, but still, it can happen that you are not making much progress towards your goal of learning how to write and becoming a writer.

Is not that surprising? When you read books on writing and attend courses, you do expect that you will learn how to write.

You do expect that these resources will help you become a writer eventually.

But when your expectations are not fulfilled, you become disappointed.

You want to give up, thinking that you do not have enough talents to write.

Frustrations engulf your mind and crush your soul.

But hey, this is not a problem that you face only. Countless people face it around the world.

Do you know why resources like books and courses often fail to produce the desired result?

Because they mostly help you “externally” by supplying you with knowledge and tips.

Knowledge, no doubt, is important, but it is not enough. You need something else.

Specifically, what you need is a reason to care about the craft of writing.

You need to cherish it. You need to feel a strong affection for it.

That will happen naturally when you fall in love with writing.

Because love will then work as the precious resource that will stimulate you “internally” to write.

Combine it with the external knowledge you gained from books, courses, and other resources, and you will realise the difference.

And do not just fall in love with writing lightly.

Fall hard.

Fall madly in love.

When I fell madly in love with writing many years ago, everything changed. Before that, it was an endless struggle for me to write even a small paragraph.

But when the love was there, the process of expressing myself using words and sentences became easier and easier.

Writing is a marvellous art. If you want to master it, you must develop a strong emotional attachment to it.

You must develop a powerful feeling for writing in the same way you catch feelings for someone when you fall in love with that person.

So, fall madly in love with writing if you want to be a writer.

I promise it will work like magic.

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Self Improvement
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