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Encountering a Random Stranger or The Story of a Serendipitous Meeting?

Do you believe in the magnetic force of humans?

Author’s photo at Teignmouth, Devon

Ginger ran, I followed. Around the rocks, The receding tide giving us space, at last To not get our feet wet.

Ginger, on her four canine legs: Her long, elegant canine legs that carry her like the wind whenever she wants them to. She disappeared around the other side, And I followed.

She knew where she was going. She got there fast. I didn’t know.

She picked out the scent of a man walking in solitude, A man who loves dogs, A man who loves adventure, A man with a kind heart, a kind face, And a kind smell.

She picked him out before she saw him, And found him.

His face was alight. This dog’s approach had touched him. He walked on, smiling, and then stopped and spoke in awkward words.

Those first awkward words drew more words, flowing words, That told stories of life and adventure. Twenty minutes passed, maybe thirty or even more.

Here was a man who created, travelled, and learned to embrace life. Here was a man who knew he was different.

Here was a man who rarely shared company. But who was happy to find A listening ear of one who understands what it means to be creative and love adventure and animals.

We talked for a long time that morning. He apologised for talking. I said, no need. I enjoyed the encounter initiated by Ginger.

He said “next time we meet…” Will there be a next time? Who knows?

I only know his first name, his trade, and the town he lives in. He knows only my name, and Ginger’s. There may never be a next time but that, now, is for the Universe to decide.

As we walked in opposite directions, I realised; He and I were wearing the same colours — The only two on the beach that morning wearing orange, brown and grey.

Do you believe that humans have a magnetic force? Do you believe that every living being has a magnetic field that adapts with their thoughts and emotions? Do you believe that people and events come together because of that magnetism?

I do.

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