avatarCaroline de Braganza



Empathy Thrives in the Garden of Compassion

But don’t over-water with tears

Image by annawaldi on Pixabay

Heart was suffering Could not bear the heavy weight Of too much empathy

Nurtured compassion To balance bleak emotions Shattered by your pain

I cannot help you If I’m standing in your shoes I will trip and fall

I’ll walk beside you Identify the baggage You can throw away

Then I shall leave you Striding with a lighter load Into the future


I wrote an article about empathy a year ago, before I began writing poetry.

Reading a haiku by Tree Langdon, CPA, CGA this morning inspired me to convert my ideas in that story into poetic form.

My poem is neither a haiku nor a senryu as it comprises five verses, none of which stand on their own as a complete idea.

But what the heck, I love discipline of the 5–7–5 structure!

And breaking the rules.

Thank you for being here.

Here’s the story I wrote last year:

And here’s Tree Langdon’s poem:

Mental Health
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