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Earning $1,000,000 Will Make You Miserable

If you’re not happy making $100,000, you’ll be miserable when you 10x that

Photo by Daniel Minárik on Unsplash

Hot take.

If you’re not happy with what you’re making now, I can all but guarantee that you’ll be just as unhappy when you 10x your income.

Don’t believe me?

Let’s review.

What do you make now? Let’s say it’s $100,000 per year.

Why are you not happy making $100,000?

That’s six figures! That’s above the medium income for most of the United States!

Are you in debt?

Is there something you cannot afford?

Or do you believe you’ll feel more “free” when you have more?

Money does not equal happiness

We’ve been hearing this silly saying for years.

Of course money doesn’t buy happiness, but it sure solves a heck of a lot of problems that you would be much happier if you didn’t have!

Then why am I saying that more money will have the opposite effect on your happiness?

If you’re below the poverty line, odds are, yes more money will absolutely make you happier.

You will appreciate the every extra dollar.

Trust me, I’ve been there, I’ve had to decide between buying gas or groceries, it sucks.

At some point though, money goes from a necessity to a nice to have.

Wishing you had an extra $500 to fly business class instead of coach will not bring you the same sense of joy as seeing a $0 balance on your credit card or knowing that you can buy groceries for your family without thinking about the price.

Your ability to feed your family is a problem money can solve, sitting in a bigger seat on an airplane is not a problem that needs to be solved. It’s a nice to have.

The dopamine rush will runout

For those of you who’ve experienced sleepless nights thinking about your debt and how you’re going to pay rent, you understand.

You understand the feeling of gratitude and relief when you just managed to keep your checking account above $0 in time for the next paycheck to arrive.

All of the rest of you fortunate folks who never experienced those pains, I feel for you. You’re the ones who will never feel the true sense of fulfillment from money.

Being able to put food on the table, pay the balance on your credit card, and make rent without overdrawing your account will never lead to a lack of fulfillment for those who’ve lived those days.

The ability to upgrade your flight, buy the designer shoes, or drive the nice car, that feeling will wear off almost immediately.

Those are all short dopamine hits that won’t do you any good.

Like a drug addict, you’re just going to be seeking the next hit once the excitement from the first one wears off.

More money will not solve that problem.

Appreciate what you have now or you’ll never appreciate what have (or don’t have) in the future

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