avatarDeni Sahaya


Is manifestation real?

Try this technique. It will blow your mind

Photo credit Oliver Sjostrom on Unsplash

There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle. (Albert Einstein)

You can forget about your journal, leave the crystal bowl behind, and no more endless visualization — just this one thing.

The one and only thing you need to manifest anything you want. Well, anything that is within the parameters of your beliefs.

This technique is nothing like you’ve ever heard of before. There are only three things you need.

  1. Follow the steps carefully
  2. Find a quiet place
  3. Have a clear intention

The Process:

I discovered this during my time experimenting with the Law of Attraction.

If you don’t know my story, you can read more about it here.

I want you to think of a goal. Now, don’t go reaching for the stars just yet. I’ll give you an example here. I’m going to manifest 10, 000 views in 48 hours for my Medium stories. Right now, I’m on 2567.

Why this particular goal? Well, I woke up this morning to a slightly disenchanting $0.40 being credited to my earnings here on the platform.

Despite having a great read ratio, almost 100%, good engagement, and over 30+ reads, the results are a bit, let’s say confusing. (If this happened to you too, please share your thoughts)

But I’m not about to give up. I know too well, that the technique I’m about to share with you works like magic.

If you’re a manifestation enthusiast, you’ll know that we attract things to us. We match the vibrational frequency of the stuff we want, and off you go. As if by magic, it turns up in our lives. Haha, of course, I’m just kidding.

If it was that simple, we’d all be sailing on that luxury yacht I attached above with a hot guy hanging off the edge.

But don’t get discouraged just yet. Because you have a gift. You just haven’t discovered how to use it yet.

Forget vibration, forget positive thinking, forget everything.

Listen. Read. Carefully.

Your mind is a magnet. It holds the magic key to everything you want. But it does require a few ingredients for this to work.

  1. Belief
  2. Intention
  3. Following the steps right down to the last d.o.t.

We manifest with our minds. There are two parts to this. You can manifest consciously or unconsciously.

Today, however, I’m going to show you how to use a technique I call ‘The unconsciously conscious manifestation technique’.

It came to me one day, as I was sitting in my swinging/ hanging chair. The chair was attached to our balcony and was spinning around on its own. If you sat in one of these, you know exactly what I mean.

Photo credit kajalchourasiya81 on Pixabay

I was enjoying a peaceful September afternoon, relaxing in the garden, surrounded by nature and the blissful beauty of the season. Basking in the late afternoon sun, I observed how the chair was taking me on a journey.

I was spinning around in circles. The chair was being led by the gentle breeze. The direction was clear and steady.

And this is when an idea popped into my head. I’ve been practicing all forms of meditation and manifestation to date. But this was different.

Knowing that everything is energy, and all there is to it… Knowing that all energy is neutral, it’s either negative or positive depending on the meaning you give it to. Being aware that energy does not have power over me, but rather, I have full control over it — I was led to discover one of the best techniques that work for me.

As I closed my eyes, I visualized a light from my root chakra going all the way down, connecting me to the center of the Earth. Then came the fun part. A complex calculation, followed by a careful examination of the Universal Wisdom I had discovered to date. (don’t worry, you don’t have to do any of these)

I imagined myself sitting inside my head, towards the back of the head, if I’m more accurate. There is a spot here, that very few people know about. It is a spot that is hidden behind the ‘Third Eye’, or Pineal Gland in scientific terms.

Sit in that spot and observe your present reality for a moment. Feel into it and let go of any expectations. Just breathe.

Bring your desired goal to your attention. Think about this goal for a moment, but most importantly, observe what you are focusing on.

Is your focus pointing toward obtaining it, or rather how difficult it is to obtain it? This part is very important. If you are focusing on an outcome where you’ve already attained your goal, good for you. But, if you keep thinking about how difficult it is going to be to reach this desire, you need to shift your focus. Now.

The Unconsciously Conscious Manifestation Technique

See yourself sitting inside your head, in the spot I described earlier. Bring your goal to your attention, to obtain it. Then with your eyes closed, visualize a light from your root chakra connecting you to the center of the Earth. Once you are firmly grounded, start to see yourself spinning fast towards your goal.

You going to start to feel dizzy. Stop if it becomes uncomfortable. Hold your goal right in front of you. As you go around in circles, clockwise, see yourself reaching this goal.

Once you’ve done this. Sit there for a moment in blissful knowing that every step you take after this, is a step in the right direction, towards obtaining your goal.

But remember!

Start with something small. Don’t be unrealistic and too delusional.

P.S. — This technique is for entertainment purposes only. Manifestation works, only if you take inspired action towards your goals. Don’t do anything that does not feel right or comfortable. Your beliefs dictate your actions, and your actions create your results.

Thank you for reading and let me know how you get on. I’ll be back with some updates for you shortly.

The Law Of Attraction
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