avatarDiana Leotta


Do You Yearn for More Confidence in Your New Alcohol-Free Life?

We must get to the energetic feeling that expresses our true selves.

Photo by Edward Howell on Unsplash

When I first quit drinking, I was excited and also fragile. I felt insecure yet hopeful. I was more than hopeful — more like faith that this time I would succeed.

I failed the previous two times that I quit in the prior two years.

As each alcohol-free day passed, my excitement and happiness increased.

Then, weeks went by without a drink, and I was beginning to believe that this would be the last time I would quit. “I had this!” — was the feeling I embodied.

That was five years ago. I am sober and proud, thrilled and grateful.

Attaining sobriety is my second most fulfilling achievement after giving birth to my sons.

I’m feeling secure in my sobriety. I love my life, yet there are still qualities I want to possess that I haven’t yet mastered.

I feel confident in my alcohol-free life and have peace around it, yet I still want to reinforce these feelings. Both of these states are missing in other areas of my life.

I’m not as confident in my writing. I’m still a rookie and learning every day. My followers are growing, and readers are commenting on my articles, and that’s thrilling.

I also know that I’ve helped others with my honesty and stories about my drinking.

Still, the conviction that I’m a competent writer is not in my heart.

I also desire to be at total peace with my past drinking life and let it remain in the past, not dwell on it or the mistakes I made.

What about you?

How are you feeling about your sobriety? If you’re still drinking, how does it affect your life and vision for your future?

Are you confident you’ll not relapse? Do you feel secure in your alcohol-free life?

What state do you want to feel consistently in your life?

Like me, do you yearn for more confidence in being AF or other areas?

Or do you want peace, strength, stability, joy, or a sense of empowerment? Be clear about what you want in your life.

A proven method

Visualization is key. Before you roll your eyes and shut your computer — hear me out.

Many of you know this technique and already use it.

Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions. — Albert Einstein.

Many successful and famous individuals employed visualization to achieve their dreams. Among them were Albert Einstein, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tiger Woods, Michael Phelps, and Walt Disney.

Photo by Benjamin Voros on Unsplash

If it was good enough for them, it’s good enough for you.

Mental imagery impacts many cognitive processes in the brain: motor control, attention, perception, planning, and memory. So the brain is getting trained for actual performance during visualization. It’s been found that mental practices can enhance motivation, increase confidence and self-efficacy, improve motor performance, prime your brain for success, and increase states of flow — all relevant to achieving your best life. — Psychology Today.

If visualization can do all the above, think about what it can do for the confidence you want to embody to support your sobriety.

How easy it is

And it’s simple and quick. Sit comfortably in a quiet place and picture yourself in that empowered state — whatever that is for you.

Get the feeling you want. If it’s feeling empowered, how does it manifest?

Do you see yourself standing up for yourself when a salesperson tries to talk you into upgrading your internet service to more than you need or want?

Can you imagine yourself saying with pride — no thanks to the beer your buddy wants to buy you?

Visualize even for a few minutes a day.

I see myself standing tall, feeling confident, and at peace with my alcohol-free life. I envision myself out with friends, enjoying my buzz-free drink. They are free to imbibe if they choose,, as it does not matter to me.

Other times, I picture myself at my computer typing away, filled with happiness that I am doing exactly what I want to do at this point in my life. I know that I am learning and improving daily.

I have confidence that my article will resonate with others — even if it’s only one person. I’m at peace, making a difference for even one soul.

Your mind and imagination can assist you in achieving whatever energy state you want. See the twinkle in your eye, knowing you had the power to create this feeling.

Do you want to feel more joy? See yourself filled with delight, satisfaction, and bliss.

You’re smiling, and know that this feeling is well deserved as you have achieved sobriety and worked diligently for it.

If you can dream it, you can do it. — Walt Disney.

Self Improvement
Mental Health
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