avatarRasheed Hooda


Do you see what I see?

The art of photography or writing is all in perspective. But you need to learn the craft first.

Photo by Rasheed Hooda (All Rights Reserved, all lefts too)

Beauty, as they say, is in the eye of the beholder. But once shared, others can see it as well.

I have sold a few canvas and paper prints of the above photograph. It is one of my popular sellers.

Whenever I see something that catches my eye, touches my heart, or stirs my soul, I grab my camera, which nowadays is handy on my phone, and take a picture. I very seldom touch it up or enhance in any sense. Occasionally, I will crop out some distraction; otherwise, what you see is what I saw.

Yet not everybody sees what I saw. Some people say, what’s the big deal in a leaf and a feather in a parking lot? But others are willing to pay a hundred dollars or more for an autographed 12" x 16" canvas print.

It is the same with writing. Not everyone will relate to your story or your writing style. But those who do will follow you and clap for it, and you’ll be compensated for it.

When I first started taking pictures in the early ’80s, I spent a lot of time and money learning about the craft of Photography. When I applied my perspective to the craft, I was able to create images that became my art, and others were willing to pay for it.

It is the same with your writing. First, learn the craft of storytelling and writing quality content, then add your perspective to narrate beautiful stories. You will find that there is an audience and a market for your art.

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