Did The Church Hide The Truth? Decoding Symbols And Awakening Energy In The Bible
Challenging Traditional Interpretations with Personal Experiences and Controversial Claims

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Today, I woke up and already had this article in my head. It was one of those uploads from the universe. The things I will tell you in this article have been crystal clear to me for a few years, but today I was ready to share my gathered knowledge.
Before I get to it, I need to mention that the information I am about to share with you is, for one, my interpretation of things that I found in the Bible, but also some research that I have done over the years, and of course, my psychedelic journey with natural shamanic medicines like Ayahuasca or Iboga.
This is a theory that I strongly believe in. I don’t want to offend any religious people. Everybody can believe whatever they want, as long as nobody gets hurt.

I don’t believe that beliefs should be forced onto people, but I also know that after experiencing a psychedelic awakening, the beliefs that you once had might be replaced with knowledge of the experience of the endless energy of the Source as I like to call it. Some might call it God, Allah, etc.; I call it the Source, and I believe that we are all one and we all come from the same Source, carrying the same light in us.
My theory & what I have found out over the last years
First of all, the Bible has been taken much too literally. When you read the Old Testament, especially the part with the snake and the forbidden fruit, this is what I think they actually meant:

The snake is not a real snake in the garden; it is your Kundalini energy. The forbidden fruit, what they called an apple, might have been a certain apple-like fruit that contained psychedelic properties. After consuming this fruit, Adam and Eve experienced a Kundalini awakening and started to see clearly and regain power that was forbidden.
Have you ever considered that the God we worship is actually the devil? Why would God kick Adam and Eve out after a psychedelic awakening?
Psychedelic awakenings bring us much closer to the source again and also have the power to connect us in this reality with our higher self that can guide us through life in a positive way if the connection is not completely or almost cut off.

Have you ever thought about how holy people are pictured? They all have a halo around their heads. This means that their Kundalini energy was free, connected to the third eye, Ajna, but also connected to the unknown via the crown chakra Sahasrara. The Kundalini energy is this snake that we all have slumbering in our groin, in the Muladhara chakra. If all chakras are free, and the human being can let go of all low vibrational feelings like fear, guilt, shame, jealousy, and anger, and the diet is not blocking these energies, the Kundalini energy can rise. People who have managed to complete this process can heal others and develop certain abilities. Every mind is unique; every human being is unique. The powers and skills that you receive from this kind of awakening are very unique too.
These holy beings were not different from you and me, but they managed to work on themselves, shed the ego, and learned to let go of everything that didn’t serve them. There are a lot of theories about Jesus, but let’s say Jesus was a real person who could heal people; I know how it worked. Jesus had a very high vibration and managed to keep his body in a high frequency. When you tap into the world of frequency, you will learn quite quickly that certain high frequencies can heal (solfeggio frequencies). With his high vibrational body, Jesus could send energy through sick bodies to heal them. Mind over matter. With the right intention, he was probably able to heal most of the common sicknesses and illnesses around, but it was probably also quite an energy effort for him. I have no idea how he managed to heal so many people. He must have found a way to sustain this healing energy on a high level.
The Bible still contains a lot of important knowledge, like that you should not combine wool and linen. Everything that we put in and on our bodies has a massive impact on our well-being. The higher our body frequency, the healthier and stronger we are, and the more likely we are capable of activating the Kundalini energy, in time, when we are ready.
Wool and Linen both have a frequency of about 5000, but one of them is negatively loaded and one is positive. If you combine these two super powerful fabrics, you will cancel these fabrics out, and the frequency falls to zero. (Leviticus 19:19 and Deuteronomy 22:11)
The healthy human body is like a battery and has a strong energy field around it. The heart acts like an energy generator and is an important core element. Have you ever felt an overload of energy when touching a shopping trolley or other metal items or even by touching another human being?

We can generate energy purely with our bodies; we can throw energy balls from our hands when we heal the human body and let the Kundalini energy rise. We can communicate telepathically; we can move things with our minds.
Do you know this feeling that you had as a kid, missing these kinds of abilities from the bottom of your heart? I still have this feeling that something was taken from me, and I have very vivid dreams where I have powerful abilities.
Why do you think they wanted to burn all the witches and sorcerers? Why do you think psychedelics, especially DMT, are still highly illegal? You cannot control powerful, strong-minded humans. You need to put humans in a state of fear to be able to control them.
Think and believe what you want, but I think we got scammed in a big way, and it is time to regain our abilities and skills and most importantly, to awaken our Kundalini energy and let go of everything that doesn't serve us.
Stay strong. Change is ahead of us.
Feel loved. Big hug.
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