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Dead Or Alive is a new temporary Medium publication that will remain active as long as one new story is submitted every 24 hours, otherwise, it will close.


The Medium publication "Dead Or Alive" is inspired by Reddit's "The Button" and operates on a unique premise: it will continue to exist only if it receives and publishes at least one new story every day. The publication was scheduled to start on March 15, and if a day passes without a new submission, it will cease to accept further stories, becoming a symbolic monument to the Medium community. Contributors are encouraged to submit their articles, with a set of rules to follow, including adherence to Medium's policies, proper image crediting, and the submission of original drafts only. The publication will curate content by numbering each story and aims to showcase a diverse range of topics and genres, publishing one piece per day at a set time. The initiative is seen as a continuation of previous temporary art projects on Medium, such as "100 Stories by 100 Writers."


  • The publication is viewed as a form of temporary art, emphasizing the ephemeral nature of digital content and community engagement.
  • There is an inclusive approach to content, with no specific formatting rules and openness to any topic or genre.
  • The project encourages a sense of urgency and collective responsibility among writers to keep the publication alive.
  • The initiative is a social experiment reflecting on the nature of participation and the impact of individual actions within a larger community.
  • By tagging specific Medium users, the publication's creator expresses a targeted interest in engaging with a particular group of writers known for their contributions to similar projects.

Dead Or Alive — A New (Temporary) Publication on Medium

Join us today!



Inspired by The Button from Reddit, this publication will stay open as long as we have one story to publish every 24 hours. If we don’t receive a new story in time, we will close the publication. Help us stay alive; submit your article today!

More details

This publication is a work of art.

Temporary art.

We scheduled our first story for March 15.

If for lack of submissions, we cannot publish a new story within 24 hours of the last one, the publication will die, and we will close it to new submissions. It will stay as a monument to the Medium community.

Want to be part of this?

Leave a comment on this story to be added as a writer, and submit your article today!


  • Respect Medium Rules.
  • Credit your pictures if you have any.
  • No formatting rules.
  • Any topic goes.
  • Any genre goes.
  • You can submit as many stories as you want.
  • Only drafts, no previously published stories.

We will:

  • amend your kicker (if any) to reflect your story’s number. “Your Kicker” will become: “#X — Your Kicker.”
  • publish only one story per day at 8 AM New York (1 PM London, 11 PM Melbourne)

Inspiration: The Button

The Button from Reddit was active between April and June 2015.

As long as a Redditor clicked on the button before the end of the 60-second countdown, the timer reset, and the button kept working.

One could click only once, and more than a million users clicked!

(Small) Tag Wall to get things rolling!

You’re tagged below because you might be interested in the concept. Prove me right!

Patrick Eades, Annie Trevaskis, Bob Merckel, Kristen Stark, Kristine Laco, Marsha Adams, Michael Burg, MD (Satire Sommelier), Laurel B. Miller, Victor Cardenas, James Bellerjeau, Tonidao, Andrew Pretzel, The Sturg, Eric Pierce, Posy Churchgate - Writes & Edits Fiction, Zatanna Dark, Pseu Pending (Seu), Sally Prag, Hisho.

I thought of tagging all the 100 stories for 100 writers participants, but it would have been too many, and I prefer to wait for the next promo article!

Previously on temporary-art publications:

Publications On Medium
Social Media
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