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Day Tripping: April 6

Salty, Sweet, and Sour

By Evan-Amos — Own work, CC0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=14735063

Positive Steps

Salt Satyagraha was a twenty-four-day march led by Mohandas “Mahatma’ Gandhi in a non-violent protest against the salt monopoly held by British Imperialists in India. When he reached the coast of Dandi in 1930 and made illegal salt by evaporation, it signaled the beginning of the independence movement in India.

By emphasising the everyday item of salt and the taxes levied against India’s citizens for producing it, Gandhi was able to create a more focused awareness of the country’s plight. Illegal to make and taxed at 8.2%, the British Colonial Government effectively forced Indians to buy their own salt from them.

In a dramatic demonstration of civil disobedience, Mahatma picked up a clump of salt ladened mud on the coast of Dandi and declared “With this, I am shaking the foundations of the British Empire.” Gandhi had no illusions that his acts would force the British to acquiesce, but his determination for non-violent ‘truth’ would capture the hearts and minds of his followers.

Leaps And Bounds

This is another inventive day in history where our lives were made so much better. In 1980, the Post It Note was introduced to the public by the 3M Company. Teflon was invented by Roy J. Plunkett in 1938.

More importantly, and I think you will all agree, this day is made more momentous when executive baker James Dewar in 1930 invented…

The Hostess Twinkie!

Running Up Scores

The ‘Grand Old Game’ took on a new look in 1973 when Major League Baseball’s American League introduced the Designated Hitter in regular-season play. It began as a three-year experiment when Ron Blomberg of the New York Yankees stepped into the batter’s box in place of that day’s pitcher in Boston.

The rule change marked a new era where baseball would gain more offensive flair, but it would also open the door for the specialization of the pitcher’s position. Ageing sluggers were given new life in their careers as hitters, but that too would change the dynamics of the record books.

The National League has continued to run on traditional rules, only implementing a DH when playing games against an American League opponent. Perhaps in protest of the radical change to the game's new look, Blomberg was walked intentionally with the bases loaded in the first inning by Red Sox ace, Luis Tiant.

Musical Milestones

In what is considered to be the origin of ‘grunge’, Andrew Wood forms Malfunkshun in Seattle, Washington in 1980. His roommate, Chris Cornell is inspired to form Soundgarden while Wood moves on with another creation, Mother Love Bone. After Andrew Wood dies in 1990 of a heart attack, a new member is introduced and with Eddie Vedder, the band becomes Pearl Jam.


After losing his libel case against the Marquess of Queensberry, John Sholto Douglas who accused him of homosexuality in 1895, Oscar Wilde was arrested at the Cadogan Hotel in London. Homosexual behaviour was a criminal offence at the time, and Wilde had been carrying on an affair with the Marquess’ son for four years.


Perhaps the most successful of all child actors whose career spanned nine decades, Mickey Rooney died in 2014 at the age of 93.

Known for his irreverent humour, Don Rickles was nicknamed ‘The Merchant of Venom’ but he was a respected comedian and frequent guest on the talk show circuit. He passed away in 2017.

Notable Births

1937 — Billy Dee Williams is better known to many as Lando Calrissian in Star Wars.

1947 — John Ratzenberger played the insufferably glib postman in the sitcom Cheers. He was always vocal with a little known fact.

1955 — Michael Rooker has enjoyed a varied acting career including his role as Yondu Udonta in Guardians of the Galaxy.

Could it be coincidence these three space cadets were born on the same day?

K. Barrett Katie Wallace Maria Rattray Maryam Merchant Dr Mehmet Yildiz Tree Langdon Myriam Ben Salem Phil Truman Chelsea Mandler MAT Terry Mansfield Hollie Petit, PhD. Terry Trueman Dr Preeti Singh John Gruber Bill Abbate James G Brennan ScienceDuuude Marcus Liam Ireland Claire Kelly Noorain Hassan, BMS Amy Pierovich David Acaster

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