

Avantika, a young professional, navigates office politics and personal drama, including a confrontation with her boss over Facebook activity and a subsequent cover-up.


In the fifth chapter of "365 Days of F(ib)B-ing," Avantika shares her experiences from February 11th to 15th, detailing a movie night with colleagues, a tense encounter with her boss, and the aftermath. After attending a late-night movie with friends, Avantika faces criticism from her boss, Aditya, who questions her dedication to work due to her frequent Facebook updates. In response, Avantika stands up for herself, confronts Aditya, and stages a dramatic display of emotion to garner sympathy from her colleagues. Eventually, Aditya sends an email acknowledging the incident and promising to maintain professional conduct. The chapter concludes with Avantika deciding to start searching for better job prospects.

Bullet points

  • Avantika goes to a late-night movie with colleagues Dia and Arun.
  • Avantika's boss, Aditya, criticizes her for spending too much time on Facebook and not focusing enough on work.
  • Avantika confronts Aditya and stages a dramatic display of emotion in front of her colleagues.
  • Aditya sends an email acknowledging the incident and promising to maintain professional conduct.
  • Avantika decides to start searching for better job prospects.

Dares, Drama and Deception

365 Days of F(ib)B-ing- Chapter 5

Photo by Mason Kimbarovsky on Unsplash

Day 42- February 11

‘Movie night!’

Dear Diary,

Dia, Arun, and I went for a late-night movie today. We finished our work at eight (the injustice of it all), ate dinner in the office, went down into the city, and watched a good romantic flick that was playing. Arun drove us to and fro in his new Santro, a charming, zippy little Red car he bought all on his own (great job); so it was a fantastic evening. It really is sad that we do not get together more frequently.

We must seriously hang out more and do fun activities like this more often.

With a smile on my face, Good Night!

Day 43- February 12

‘Always be cheerful.’

Dear Diary,

My post for today should ideally have been ‘ABC of life — Always Be Careful’.

Especially when there are horrid people who are out to get you, tarnish your reputation, give you a bad rep, plot your downfall, and in general make life unpleasant.

Oh God, why does everything happen to me?

In fact, I do not feel like updating my status on Facebook. Ever!

All because of Mr Aditya. Oh, did I not tell you who he is? Take a guess.

Give me your best shot. Let me give you some handy clues.

1. I dislike him intensely.

2. He works with me.

3. He is one of my bosses.

4. I have never set eyes on him and frankly, after today, I do not want to.

5. Ever.

No prize for guessing that he is our very own Hari Sadu-Esque venomous boss, my Onsite coordinator. (for the uninitiated, Hari Sadu is slang for the typical overbearing, selfish, self-centred, and powerful boss)

Can you believe he asked us (the entire team) to be a bit more serious about work? Almost as an afterthought, he said that he could see that people are not pulling their weight. ‘In fact, I see more regular Facebook updates than status updates.

I was livid. I sputtered a loud ‘Excuse me’ at that! I know — faux pas.

Cool cat persona had disappeared but that dig at me was unwarranted.

I am not the best fighter in my family for nothing — of the verbal variety, of course. Pa was the college boxer, still can pack a punch, I know.

I had a good mind to set the two up.

Chill, relax.

Okay. Do you know what the twerp said to that? ‘Yes Avantika, going to movies when the project is still sluggish is not very professional.’ I cut the call. Yes, I did it. Sourabh, who for a change, was on our call looked speechless and shocked.

I had seen red and launched into a torrent of words. About how onsite folks or anybody have no right to snoop on my private space. That I went for a late-night movie and what I did after-hours was nobody’s business. I mean, I try to get some entertainment so I can be fresh and clear-headed for work.

We are busy with meetings all day, so I put in extra hours with not a murmur of dissent, and this is what I hear — nasty allegations by people who have no proof or restraint.

And I did not mean to say this, but I added it anyway. What’s one more line, right?

I am shuddering just a little at this — ‘Why is Mr Aditya keeping tabs on my FB profile?’

I wonder if I went overboard with that line.

I do not know.

I stomped off to the restroom with a handkerchief to my eyes. What else could I do? I stayed there unblinking for three whole minutes — a sure-shot way to get teary-eyed. [Insert evil grin]

Jessie came five minutes later to check up on me. I knew they would send somebody. And Jessie is the only one whose gender matches to enter the women’s restroom. I was on round two of staring unblinkingly by that time. She sounded a little unsure as she asked me if I was all right.

I sniffed. I am not a drama queen and a movie buff for nothing. I do not take nonsense from anyone. Boss dear was going to pay. I do not know what Jessie said but she kept saying soothing stuff, and it actually felt. …nice and friendly! That girl definitely has something up her sleeve. Must investigate that, but first I had this fiasco to take care of.

Sniffing and whimpering, I came out with my hanky to my face and splashed my face and more importantly eyes with cold water. Try it sometime, splashing cold water right into wide-open eyes. It gives you instant bloodshot, just-wiped crying eyes! An acquaintance that dabbles in theatre told me this one.

Jessie patted me and I nodded my head and slowly trudged out. Sourabh also muttered some nonsensical, supposedly calming words and asked me to take a fifteen-minute break. I shuffled away with my mug mumbling about taking a coffee from the canteen. ‘I’ll be back soon was my broken parting shot.

The thing about overacting is that you do not know when to stop.

I drank a lovely cup of coffee from CCD, all the while keeping a sad, mournful face. I wanted to chat with Dia or Arun, but I could hardly launch into an animated gossip session just then. Much as I wished to.

Anyway! After the break, I went back to my desk. Everybody had dispersed but I was getting a lot of looks. You know, looks!

The curious ones, the cannot-wait-to-hear-more ones, the sympathetic ones, the disdainful ones, the are-you-nuts ones, the you-rock ones, the I-wish-I’d-been-there ones; all sorts of glances and stares.

I ignored all and merely asked Jessie to let me know what I should do. Work assigned, she thankfully refrained from saying anything and kept to the point, I slogged away.

Sourabh asked me once if I was OK to which I muttered a ‘Yes, I don’t want to dwell on anything.’

He gave me a comforting (Eww!) smile and went off awkwardly.

At lunch, I messaged Dia and Arun and went to a nearby restaurant to eat. I did not want to talk to all those people hoping to get some more juicy bites. I gave them a short précis and we gorged on some much-needed food. Drama gives you an appetite, I must say.

Arun announced that I must keep up the injured party act but announce something by today evening. His point was that I must make the first move and decide what my demeanour would be for tomorrow’s status call. Dia helpfully supplied that I must somehow gather what happened while I was in the washroom so I can counter that as well in whatever announcement I make.

Hmmm, decisions, decisions, decisions!

Dia made us wrap up lunch quickly. ‘You are upset; you can’t be hungry at such a time. She is so correct every time; so we wolfed down lots of food, had some breath fresheners, and dropped me at my cubicle.

Dia, being an even bigger drama queen, had to part with a sympathetic ‘Take care sweetie’ as she left.

I loved it!

So, what do you think I did before I left at six? I sent Jessie and Sourabh my status updates and went straight to Sourabh’s cubie. I told him that I am sorry about my breaking down today but I simply cannot have people maligning me or questioning my sincerity. I also told him I am willing to put this past me and forget about the whole incident on the assurance that people do not {strong emphasis} rake up my personal life.

Sourabh nodded his assent, especially at the part where I apologized for disconnecting the call for fear that I would vent out at Aditya. I did vent out anyway, but hey, even I know how to use lying by omission effectively. That said, I went over the work I did today [I actually accomplished a lot, wow!] and asked to be excused.

Now, a sumptuous dinner with Dia and Arun later, I cannot sleep at the prospect of tomorrow. I have no clue what will happen. And the thought is terrifying. It seemed like a grand adventure and completely thrilling while I was doing the poor girl act but I cannot sleep for fear of termination, joblessness, and lack of my own moolah.

I hope Ma does not get me married if I get fired. She will be one happy person if that happens!

Oh God, what will my friends say? And colleagues? Most of them are on my FB friend list.

Ouch! I have to stop thinking and go to sleep.

Overanalyzing has always been my weakness.

With my fingers crossed and prayer to every single one of our three hundred and thirty million Gods, I lay my head down to try and sleep.


Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

Day 44- February 13

“Friday is here’

And thank God for it. I am about to enter the office premises and I have no idea of what lies in store for me. The weekend will hopefully blow away all this nastiness and we shall be back to our regular regime — which is the same gruelling, boring stuff.

More details tomorrow unless I am, gulp, so jobless that I need to concentrate efforts on getting a new one.

Reality Check — I have already signed up for Naukri.com and made a profile on LinkedIn and have read ten articles on resume tips.

Wish me luck!

Day 45- February 14

‘Happy Valentine’s Day! Happy to be single but not quite ready to mingle!’

Dear Diary,

I know you are all agog to hear what happened yesterday and if my employment status has indeed changed in the last twenty-four hours, right?

Bad news: Nothing happened. Yup! I have never been so relieved to have nothing happen.

Yes, I am still employed. Yes, I did attend the status calls.

Yes, Mr Aditya was on that call.

Yes, we all pretended nothing had happened.

Yes, we will continue to do so for the rest of the project if not forever.

Startling? Anti-climatic? Unreal? Unacceptable?

It is true.

Okay. Sourabh and I both got an email from Aditya.

[No ‘Mr.’ business from now on! Humph!]

A short four-liner email reproduced here from memory [I take my professional etiquette seriously] for your eyes and your eyes only, Dear Diary!

Hi Avantika,

About yesterday, Sourabh tells me you were quite disturbed and upset but still want to put it in the past. Just what I was thinking — great minds think alike.

I, on my part, will refrain from bringing personal details into our conversations. With hopes for wholly professional conduct from all ends,


Sourabh was CC-ed. And yes, the toad did not apologize but I had not expected him to. I know these people!

Though I must admit I have a slight admiration for that concise and yet profound email.

SO many things conveyed in so LITTLE!

This is the next Ernest Hemingway or he spent the entire day coming up with this piece of communication.

I am going to stick to the second option.

I am maliciously human after all. Haha!

Our conversation went smoothly and the project has picked up speed. I, of course, am going to tread carefully and watch my back at all times. I am going to be touted as the best employee ever simply on the basis of the project — I am going to be that super-efficient and amazing.

The one slightly alarming point was when Aditya asked for our personal email IDs and phone numbers in case of official emergencies.

NO ONE, I repeat, no one had better saddle me with work on weekend or at night. My salary does not qualify me to work overtime.

No way!

So, sleeping the day off with a sense of relief and calm and trying to catch up on the sleep lost from all that work and worry.

Bonne Nuit!

Photo by Blake Wisz on Unsplash

Day 45- February 15

‘Hanging out with friends.’

Dia and Arun and I met at the mall to discuss the events of Thursday and Friday. Did I tell you how much I rely on these two? How I share everything with them? They know all the good and bad bits of my work and can always be counted on, to rally around me with their support, strength, and sensible advice.

Well, other than Ma and Pa, obviously.

They were happy all the nastiness had blown over. But Arun gave me a very good piece of advice — to start scouting for better prospects anyway.

He gave me some solidly logical points for this:

  1. Always good to know your fair market value.

2. It is common sense to keep searching for great deals — even on the job front. You won’t know unless you find out.

3. A great way to grow career-wise is to see if competitors will hire you. Else, you can be sure even your current employer will not think twice to replace you.

4. Staying interview ready means being updated and informed. A necessary trait in the software world.

5. One learns how to stay on top of bookish knowledge, current trends, and practical knowledge — so doing this is a great learning curve.

6. Might bag a job closer home in Mumbai — will save me money, and keep the family and me together and happy.

7. A different location for the job (- Arun has this habit of covering all ground) will make me a great traveller. I like soaking up different cultures, anyway.

8. He and I can become study buddies while job hunting.

9. Better pay package means more shopping and spending.

He had me by this time, so I have already bought two of the latest books for Interview Prep and am looking at enrolling in some online course or the other.


All the best to all of us!

Hope you are enjoying the growingly daring adventures of Avantika. Previous scenes can be found here:

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