avatarJosh Hinton


Consent to Tag

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

I send one email a week. It is a summary email featuring all my stories. This means you will no longer receive my stories the moment I publish via email.

Work around

If you would like immediate notifications when I publish the option is still available and this is how you can do it.


I do not want to burden your email inbox with my frequent publishing's. I would like to build a long term relationship with you as my reader. It is an honor that you take the time to read my stories.

With that said, I recognize that you may only be interested in stories I write about certain subjects.

I want you to receive a notification when I publish stories you are interested in.


Tags, we all know them. We all anxiously scroll through a post to see if we were genuinely mentioned or if we are in a sea of green in an attempt to Astroturf engagement.

I will not tag you without your consent.

What you need to do

At the bottom of my stories you will see a CTA that appears like this one.

Consent to Tag

If you would like to receive a notification the moment I publish.

Please highlight and respond “Tag Me” in any or all categories you consent to be tagged in (Complete Details)

All | Narrative Non-fiction | Personal Development | Science Fiction | AI | Business and work | Medium and Writing | Health and Fitness | Food and Travel | Poetry | Silly Bullshit

Categories explained


If you would like to receive a notification the moment I publish any story regardless of subject matter. Highlight “All” and respond “Tag Me”

Narrative Non-Fiction

This is what I write the most. Its personal stories of thing that happened to me in the past. If these are the only stories you would like to read follow the same process, highlight “Narrative Non-Fiction” and respond “Tag Me”

Personal Development

We all work on ourselves constantly and learn along the way. I am no exception. These are the stories I share about this subject. Follow the same process as the others.

Science Fiction

This is my favorite genre of fiction. I love sci-fi and I try to write one sci-fi story a week.


AI is my best friend. I use it all the time. I hate how it writes but I love every other aspect of it. I write about the struggle of balance between leveraging AI in our lives and avoiding it as a writing tool.

Business and Work

I’ve worked since I was 13 years old. Its a significant part of who I am. I am always looking for lessons in the mundane events of everyday work life. I share them in this category

Medium and Writing

This is the key to making any money here on Medium. I write about Medium and Writing occasionally. When I do I visualize myself 6 months ago. What did I need to hear then that I know now.

Health and Fitness

I live an active life. I love lifting weight and running. I have struggle with my weight and yoyoed up and down throughout my life. In that process I’ve learned how to manage my weight and stay fit.

Food and Travel

I am a classically trained chef (CIA ’14) and a nomad who only recently settled down in China. I love all things food and travel and write about it occasionally.


Sometimes a lyric gets stuck in my head. I have to put it on the page. I do not write poetry often but when I do I publish it here on Medium.

Silly Bullshit

Sometimes I like to write bullshit. It serves no other purpose but to entertain me and hopefully you.

Select All, Some, or None

I want to share with you the stories you are interested in. I do not want to overload your inbox with notifications if you are going to become fatigued by them and stop reading them. The best way I know to do this is give you the option to opt into tagging of the categories you are interested in.


You will find this CTA at the bottom of all my stories. I would love for you to subscribe by email. You will receive one email a week from me. Also please feel free to Highlight and respond to any of the categories you would like to be tagged in to receive immediate notifications when I publish.

Consent to Tag

If you would like to receive a notification the moment I publish.

Please highlight and respond “Tag Me” in any or all categories you consent to be tagged in (Complete Details)

All | Narrative Non-fiction | Personal Development | Science Fiction | AI | Business and work | Medium and Writing | Health and Fitness | Food and Travel | Poetry | Silly Bullshit

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