avatarJosh Hinton


A Happy Medium: Tag, You’re It

We can have our cake and eat it too

Author’s Screen shot: I know I am a maniac (Sorry if this induces anxiety)

This is the last email I am sending other than my Weekly Recap.

Last night I impulsively decided, I would reduce the number of emails I send to my subscribers. I rushed to my computer and wrote,

It received mixed signals.

As the people pleaser I am, I continue to rack my brain about how I can reach the people who want to read my content as soon as it’s published and not overwhelm those who are occasional readers.

Here is my proposed solution

I will tag you in my stories if you give me your consent. I believe this is having our cake and eating it too. This will create a better way to notify you when my stories are published.

Here me out

I write about many different topics. Some, you may be interested in, others you might not. That’s ok, and the best way for you and me to be in a trusting entertaining relationship is for me to notify you when a story that I know you are interested in is published.


I am going to create a list for each category of my stories. When you opt in to a specific category I will add your tag to the list. When I write a story within the category I will tag everyone who has opted in to the specific category.

You are more than welcome to opt into all.

I would be honored if you did.


Highlight and respond to any or all of the categories you would like me to tag you in going forward.


Personal Non-fiction

Science Fiction

Business and work

Medium and Writing

Health and Fitness

Food and Travel

Silly Bullshit

Sweeten the pot

To add a cherry on top I will feature stories from one or two people from the tag list at the bottom of each story.

I did this in the past and called it “What I am reading.” It was my way of showing respect for other writers I admire. I’ve gotten away from it and would like to return to it as a way of giving back.

Weekly Recap Email

I will continue to promote my email subscription and send my once weekly email. I don’t know about you, but I have email fatigue.

You saw the feature image from my phone.

I know I am a maniac. I will never catch up. I should mark all as read but maybe that email from someone in June is really important. I need the notification.

At this point I want to see if it breaks the iPhone when it gets to 100k.

My point is, I doubt I am alone. We are all swimming in emails and I do not want to be another random email collecting digital dust in your inbox. That adds no value to you or me.

My new CTA

At the bottom of each of my stories will include my opt in for my ONE email a week and my list of categories and a tag consent request. This is what you will see at the bottom of each of my stories.

Tag consent

All | Personal Non-fiction | Science Fiction | Business and work | Medium and Writing |Health and Fitness | Food and Travel | Silly Bullshit

Please highlight and respond “Tag Me” in any or all categories you consent to be tagged in

A happy Medium

I hope this can help you and I establish a better long term reader/writer relationship. I plan to tell my stories for years to come and would like to build a genuine relationship with each one of you who honor me and take the time to read my work.

I am not here to get rich.

I am already rich (in everything but money). I am here to sharpen my skills as a writer.

Medium is my personal stepping stone leading me to a bigger purpose. Like traveling down a road that is foggy I do not know exactly what’s ahead. I am trusting my instincts and they tell me to continue to scream into the void with my musings.

Tag Consent

All | Personal Non-fiction | Science Fiction | Business and work | Medium and Writing |Health and Fitness | Food and Travel | Silly Bullshit

Please highlight and respond “Tag Me” in any or all categories you consent to be tagged in

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