avatarKarsten Ramser


The website content presents a spiritual poem that explores the concept of self-awareness and oneness with consciousness, inspired by Advaita Vedanta and the works of Kabir, emphasizing the experience of self-knowledge and its qualities such as unconditional love and deep peace.


The text on the website is a spiritual poem titled "Consciousness, I Am You, Self-Aware," which serves as a multifaceted tool for self-reflection and understanding. It delves into the profound realization of one's true nature beyond the physical world, aligning with the philosophical teachings of Advaita Vedanta. The poem conveys the essence of self-knowledge through the recognition of oneness with consciousness, characterized by attributes like unconditional love, serenity, and compassion. It encourages the reader to transcend duality without being ensnared by dualism, fostering an inner relationship with consciousness that leads to a state of deep and perfect peace. The poem also touches upon the futility of seeking beyond the present moment and emphasizes the importance of inner awareness over external pursuits, ultimately guiding the reader to the realization that they are eternal and infinite as pure consciousness. Additionally, the text introduces Dr. Preeti Singh and Dr. Gabriella Korosi, acknowledging their contributions to the spiritual and artistic community, and expresses appreciation for the platform Dancing Elephant Press for its human touch and special care for poetry and photography.


  • The author expresses a deep connection with consciousness, viewing it as an integral part of their identity and the source of their inner peace and understanding.
  • There is an emphasis on the experiential nature of self-knowledge, which is portrayed as an inner journey that transcends words and intellectual understanding.
  • The poem suggests that true awareness involves recognizing the interconnectedness of all life forms and cultivating an attitude of compassion and detachment.
  • The text reflects a critical view of dualism, advocating instead for the non-dual knowledge that dissolves the illusion of separation.
  • The author values the present moment as the only reality, dismissing the pursuit of more as a distraction from the truth of one's being.
  • There is a sense of gratitude and appreciation for the community and platform that supports and nurtures artistic and spiritual expressions, particularly through poetry and photography.
  • The poem concludes with the assertion that the ultimate realization of one's true self leads to freedom from fear and suffering, and a profound sense of peace.


Consciousness, I Am You, Self-Aware

This text is a poem, an affirmation, a reminder, a friend, and a workshop to deepen the experience of self-knowledge.

Image by the Author

Brief introduction

Self-knowledge stands for our true nature, who we are at the deepest level. It is a theme taken from the Advaita Vedanta. Our true nature is beyond words. It is an experience, it has the following qualities: Unconditional Love, Deep Peace, Serenity, Detachment, and Compassion towards all life forms. In Self-knowledge we realise that we are one with Consciousness, we are Consciousness.

(Inspired by Kabir)

Consciousness, I am you, self-aware

Living in this awareness, harvesting the benefit of the inner relationship I have with you.

Consciousness, I am you, self-aware

I firmly remember you in the finite world of forms my work is this to see duality and not get lost in dualism. The earth is my witness. Incessantly, I say your name and take it as a reward when I gently feel that my heart is filled by you.

Consciousness, I am you, self-aware

Consciousness at rest and Consciousness in motion are the pillars on which this life, which I call my own, is sustained. In this way, I work with attention and detachment remembering your presence.

Consciousness, I am you, self-aware

I have recognised myself in the non-dual knowledge now I know the impossible is possible. I leave the world as it is and occupy myself with being conscious.

Consciousness, I am you, self-aware

I understand my true identity infinite and eternal my wealth that I have gained and attained is the state of deep and perfect peace.

Consciousness, I am you, self-aware

I live in this awareness and reap the benefit of the inner relationship I have with you.

Consciousness, I am you, self-aware

In vain, the search for those who yearns for more than the present moment. All that Is, is now in you, in me, and in the world rivers are rivers, mountains are mountains, and you are who you are.

Consciousness, I am you, self-aware

The constant remembrance of my true nature clears and frees my mind. A free mind can develop The Deepest Understanding Transforming the illusion of separation that enslaved my being. Conscious of pure subjectivity Deep and perfect peace emanates spontaneously and without force, like the fountain in the mountain. I stop looking outside that can only be found inside. I have returned home.

Consciousness, I am you, self-aware

The search is over. No longer depending on the concept I am a person I have realised that I am eternal and infinite as Pure Consciousness free from fear and suffering I see with all clarity that I am Consciousness.

Consciousness, I am you, self-aware

I live in this awareness and harvest the benefit of the inner relationship I have with you.

Consciousness, I am you, self-aware

Dr. Preeti Singh writes a tender message for Gabriella

This is the first article for Dancing Elephant Press, and I hope many more will come. From the beginning, I had a good impression, very human. The introduction video by Dr. Gabriella Korosi touched my heart and it was clear that’s a place to be. As an artist, I appreciate the special care for poems and photography.

✍ — Published by Lisa Precious / Smiley Blue at Dancing Elephant Press. Click here for submission guidelines.

I Am
Awareness Of Self
Dep Poetry
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