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Dr. Preeti Singh celebrates the release of "The Magic In Friendship," a collaborative book with Dr. Gabriella Korosi, highlighting the power of friendship and creativity.


The article announces the publication of "The Magic In Friendship," a book born from the creative partnership between Dr. Preeti Singh and Dr. Gabriella Korosi. It recounts the journey from an initial idea during a meeting in June 2022 to the book's completion in February 2024. Dr. Gabriella Korosi, chief of Dancing Elephants Press, is praised for her multifaceted talents and the initiative to invite Dr. Singh to co-edit and later co-author the book. Despite initial doubts, Dr. Singh was inspired by Dr. Korosi's dedication and artistic vision, leading to the book's timely release. The book features stories from Medium and new content, with contributions from various Medium and non-Medium friends. Dr. Singh expresses gratitude to all who supported the project and reflects on the magic of love and friendship that made the book possible.


  • Dr. Gabriella Korosi is portrayed as a highly creative and dynamic individual, with a personality that encompasses various artistic endeavors.
  • The author, Dr. Preeti Singh, initially underestimated the commitment to write the book but was pleasantly surprised by Dr. Korosi's determination and organizational skills.
  • The book's creation is described as a testament to the strength and influence of friendship, with Dr. Korosi's vision and encouragement being pivotal in its realization.
  • Dr. Singh acknowledges the support of editors, reviewers, and contributing friends, emphasizing the collaborative nature of the project.
  • The article conveys a sense of wonder and appreciation for the serendipitous moments that led to the book's inception and completion, framing it as a magical journey of friendship and shared creativity.

The Magician in the Magic of Friendship

Cheers to friends like Dr. Gabriella Korosi

Selfie Photo credit Dr. Gabriella Korosi

The magic wand has been waved by our lovely chief of Dancing Elephants Press and the book ‘Magic In Friendship,’ has been released.

The entire credit of the book is given to the magician who is the creative head of Gabriella.

I often say Dr. Gabriella Korosi has 5 heads. The master head is creativity. There are branches of photography, and artistic ventures with her beautiful painting, poetry, making and maintaining relationships, and travel. She is a maverick all rolled into one beautiful personality.

As you all know by now we met in June 2022. Gabriella made all the effort to meet and stay with me for 3 days to get to know me well. She traveled from Oregon to Albany in California.

It was fun together as we sipped the lovely pink color pomegranate tea that I had picked up on the way while coming from India and stopping at Istanbul in Turkey.

We did a lot of nature walks together. In one of our coffee sessions after the walk, she came up with the brilliant idea that we should write a book together. I seconded it and appreciated the thought. Well, this was the moment, and it was best to forget it.

Often we say things and then they are lost in the moment. So it happened and stayed dormant. It was forgotten as we immersed ourselves back into our roles after saying goodbye to each other.

However, this was not a goodbye but the beginning of a new relationship. On friendship day she sent me an invitation to be an editor of her publication Dancing Elephants Press (DEP)

Ever since I have been writing, editing, and helping in other editorial duties. DEP has brought about several books that I have been part too.

I thought that Gabriella had forgotten that she wanted to write a book for me and it was a fleeting moment where we had decided to write it.

One day late in December 2023, I received a message that we must write our book on friendship and she was looking forward to releasing it sometime in March.

So Gabriella does not forget. Believe me, she entices you in doing an activity and slowly when you get into it, she is a total magician and ensnares you.

This is what she did with me. Once I agreed to do it, she said that it was alright to be slow if I did not have the time, the book would eventually come out. A few days passed and I still had not started. She had started and she sent me a few pages of the draft.

I had to equally put in an effort. The magician had scored and my journey had started. Now there was no looking back.

I began working on it. She said to mix some stories from Medium and some new ones. There I was under her instructions.

I did as she explained and she did her part. Then she suddenly announced that she wanted to release it by the 14th of February. I was wondering if we would be able to do so but it was done just before Gabriella went for her retreat to be with nature.

Then she asked me for a picture for the cover. She loved it and made a cover and uploaded the book. I am thankful to her for all the uploading and cover art design.

I would like to thank our wonderful editor's supporters Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles, DR Rawson - The Possibilist, Annelise Lords, Libby Shively McAvoy, Lisa Precious / Smiley Blue and Warren Brown

I am thankful to our esteemed reviewers who spent so much time in reading and giving honest feedback that helped us to make some changes in our work. DR Rawson - The Possibilist, Yana Bostongirl, Dr. Fatima Imam, and James Boylan.

I am also thankful to the friends who are also members of Medium part of the book DR Rawson - The Possibilist, Sandhya Pasricha, Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles, Annelise Lords, Libby Shively McAvoy, Carmen Micsa, MA in English, podcaster, Suzie Alexander Priyanka Priyadarshini, Debbee Aquila Maraglio-Lynn (PhD) Sanghita Pal, Trista Signe Ainsworth, Rick Allen and some non Medium friends like Malashri Lal, Kusam Aggarwal, Late Jose Lam, and Suman Gandhok.

When I look at the book I find I have missed out stories of a large number of friends but I guess there is always another time to introduce them and write about them too in a book.

The culmination of the stories resulted in the following book:

Announcing the book through the book cover and a little note to say dear friends, we love you all.

Image credit: Gabriella Korosi

Thank you Medium friends for your love and kind support. I truly believe in the magic of love.

I am truly thankful to each writer who has supported me in the last three years in my journey on Medium.

I am sending you all love💖

.Please read Dr. Gabriella Korosi’s book announcement:

©Dr. Preeti Singh, 2024.

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This Happened To Me
Dep Book Project
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