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The website presents a curated collection of personal essays and poetry by Tree Langdon, touching on themes of self-expression, mental health, nature, and spirituality, with links to her work on Medium and promotions for her book and other resources.


The undefined website features a selection of stories and poems by Tree Langdon, hosted on the ILLUMINATION-Curated platform. Langdon reflects on the difficulty of choosing stories for a collection, likening it to the anxiety of being chosen for a team in gym class. The articles cover a range of topics, including the struggle to speak one's truth, the importance of mental health and self-care, the interplay between math and nature, and the experience of falling in love. Additionally, Langdon discusses the significance of making end-of-life choices, the study of world religions, and the impact of COVID-19 on food security. The collection is complemented by photography from Unsplash and concludes with personal recommendations and affiliate links to resources and Langdon's book, "We Swallow Light."


  • Tree Langdon expresses a personal connection to the stories she curates, emphasizing the emotional weight of selection.
  • The author values authenticity and encourages readers to embrace their truth, as seen in the poem "I Speak My Truth In Simple Thoughts."
  • Langdon acknowledges the pressure society places on individuals, particularly women, and the need for self-care, as discussed in the essay "In Despair, She Broke Up With Her Give a Damn."
  • The articles suggest a deep appreciation for the natural world and its mathematical underpinnings, as explored in "Sharing My Fascination with Math and Nature."
  • Mental health is a significant theme, with pieces like "I’m Losing My Mind One Word at a Time — Hooseywhatsit" addressing conditions like Noun Deficiency Syndrome with a mix of humor and seriousness.
  • The importance of advocacy in end-of-life care is highlighted, prompting readers to consider their healthcare preferences.
  • Langdon's reflections on past life experiences and the joy of overcoming pain are presented as part of her book promotion.
  • The inclusion of affiliate links and resource recommendations indicates a desire to provide value to readers beyond the content of the curated stories.

Selected stories on ILLUMINATION-Curated

Collection of Curated Stories on ILLUMINATION-Curated

Stories by Tree Langdon hosted on ILLUMINATION-Curated

Photo by Richard Brutyo on Unsplash

I’m always hesitant when I’m asked to choose a selection of stories for a collection in a publication. I never know which ones to include.

It reminds me of Grade 4 gym class, standing on one side of the gym waiting to be chosen to play on a team.

It always went the same way.

The selection would go quickly at first. The popular girls would be picked, then the athletes. As each person was selected they would squeal in delight and join their teammates with a high five or a big hug.

As the number of choices grew smaller, the team captains would hesitate. They might consult with the team. Someone would whisper their favorites in their ear and they would choose the least-worst option. Other team members would sigh or shrug as they accepted their new members.

The unchosen few would stand quietly, some trying to look like it didn’t bother them, others trying to look invisible.

If you were one of the last two chosen, it was a slow walk of shame over to the team, head down, no one meeting your eyes.

Situations like these made me feel like the team captain. Should I select the ones I love the most? Or the most popular?

In the end, I went with my heart.

I Speak My Truth In Simple Thoughts


This is a poem about the struggle to speak our truth. It was inspired by a past life binding.

In Despair, She Broke Up With Her Give a Damn

#Mental Health

Women take on many roles in their lives and the pressure may eventually become overwhelming. In this case, breaking up with her ‘give a damn’ was the solution.

Sharing My Fascination with Math and Nature


Math inspires me and the hidden logic in nature connects us to the natural world in a way that makes sense.

I’m Losing My Mind One Word at a Time — Hooseywhatsit

#Mental Health

Noun Deficiency Syndrome is a condition where you begin to lose your nouns, finding yourself saying things like: ‘please pass the white stuff, while gesturing at the salt shaker.’

It’s Important To Make Your End Of Life Choices Now


When it comes time to refuse certain treatments or procedures that we would refuse if we could ourselves, who will be the one to speak for you?

Euphoria of Falling in Love


Forelsket is a Norwegian word for the euphoria experienced as you begin to fall in love. This Haiku is one of a series about emotions.

Open The Window As Wide As You Can


This story reminds me of a fascinating time when I studied world religion at college. It’s important to understand and accept each other’s differences.

Transitioning to Hope

#Poetry and Mindfulness

Transitioning to Hope was written as I reflected on the sorrow in the world. It is an exploration of the words and expressions found in many languages — words of sadness and hope, longing and loss.

Growing Pains

#Food and Business

This is a study of food security and the disruption of the distribution chain as a result of Covid-19. The sudden appearance of the virus took everyone by surprise. Farmers have been especially hit hard.

If you enjoyed this collection, have a look at my book, We Swallow Light. It’s an exploration of events in a past life and a refreshing take on overcoming pain and the joy of finding love.

Things I’m Enjoying…

Today’s Deals Struggling with your marketing? Check out this fantastic resource. Here’s a simple solution to launching your product. Easy-peasy.

Photo by Yuki Dog on Unsplash

Yes, there’s an affiliate link in here somewhere. Hope you find it.!

Mental Health
Self Improvement
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