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AI Tools

Chatbots will replace language Teachers?

AI Friend or Rival?

Photo by Adam Winger on Unsplash

Did you know that at an event in San Diego, Bill Gates estimated that AI chatbots will be able to help children learn to read and write in less than 18 months? And soon to replace teachers in education systems. Holly crap!! Several promising initiatives already exist, such as the Khanmigo project, developed by Khan Academy. Can be used to take math quizzes, practice vocabulary words or prepare for Advanced Placement tests. The tutoring bot also offers more playful features. For centuries, human language teachers have been the guardians of linguistic knowledge, guiding learners on their linguistic journeys. However, as technology gallops forward AI-powered chatbots have carved their path. They are viable alternatives to traditional teaching methods. These chatbots leverage machine learning algorithms, natural language understanding, and speech recognition to simulate human-like conversations with learners. Could AI be our friend or rival? Could AI teachers be the next big thing?

Imagine having a tireless language teacher at our call, available day and night, ready to have a conversation with us in a foreign tongue. The allure of such an efficient, ever-present companion is hard to resist. With their patient touch and ability to repeat exercises endlessly, they seem like the perfect partners for language learners seeking constant practice. But, let’s not get too carried away in this fairytale promise of AI. While chatbots have their undeniable advantages, they also face considerable challenges. The absence of empathy and emotional understanding is an obvious drawback. Also one of the most significant issues is the AI hallucination state. This occurs when chatbots don’t recognize the question or information they’ve been given. In other words, their responses can be incorrect, speculative, or even absurd.

Language learning is not just about grammar rules and vocabulary; it’s an exploration of culture, emotions, and human connection. A chatbot, no matter how advanced, cannot yet replicate the nuances of human interaction. Furthermore, while AI chatbots can excel at handling routine language exercises, they might stumble when faced with intricate conversations or colloquialisms. Humans still possess a wealth of cultural and contextual knowledge that enables them to navigate complex language interactions gracefully.

But let’s recognize the immense potential of these AI tools to enhance educational experiences. Imagine a classroom where chatbots assist students with individualized exercises, freeing up teachers to focus on fostering creativity, critical thinking, and cultural understanding. By leveraging AI’s analytical capabilities, language teachers can gain insights into students’ learning patterns, enabling them to tune their teaching approaches. In this vision, language teachers become mentors, guiding students through cultural landscapes while chatbots serve as diligent practice companions, always ready to help learners with their language skills. But, at the same time remember that human connection, cultural immersion, and emotional intelligence are pillars of language education that now only human teachers can provide.

Therefore could AI entirely displace the role of a human in the language learning process? When it could happen?

Language learning isn’t just about acquiring knowledge — it’s also about developing fluency, building confidence, and having meaningful interactions with others. They can’t replace the interpersonal and social aspects. Remember that AI isn’t magic. For the moment AI tools know only “right” or “wrong” which doesn’t possess the empathy to understand how learners feel. But it will continue to improve their powers. As in Georgia Tech class where students couldn’t realize their teacher was a computer program powered by AI. They found out at the end of the class. How would anyone react if AI is teaching in their children's class? Sound interesting. So databases and algorithms will run the world as many predict and sooner some education systems will be fully autonomous. Probably my range is from 60 to 120 years until a full AI teacher will be teaching. Don’t know the context but helped by a human companion.

Keep in mind that together, human educators and AI chatbots can nurture a new generation of culturally-aware global citizens. In this dynamic partnership, language learning will transcend its limitations. The future of language teaching lies in cooperation rather than replacement. Embracing AI chatbots as supplementary tools can revolutionize everything. Learners can benefit from the best of both worlds — the convenience and adaptability of chatbots and the emotional intelligence and creativity of human teachers. Plus, language learning it’s about cultural understanding, reasoning, and communication skills, all of which are more complex than chatbots can currently handle. Also, human teachers undergo stringent background checks before working with children to ensure their suitability. Without applying similar rigorous oversight to LLM (Language Learning Model) chatbots, the absence of such safeguards could expose children to potentially harmful situations. Is AI suitable for teaching? Or not?

We’ll probably see a future where chatbots and teachers work together to provide a comprehensive and engaging educational experience for students.

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