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Carmine Medusa Vol. 2

Lavish Lamentation

Original image from Pinterest but original artwork by BAHMAN

In a matter of hours, word had spread like wildfire through the fairgrounds that a group of esteemed scientists had successfully hatched an extraordinary creature. Curiosity mingled with trepidation as spectators gathered around a large enclosure, their eyes fixed on the extraordinary sight before them.

Example of what Feza's facial features look like at birth (minus piercings and cigarette obviously 😅) Concept # 1 ( original image from Pinterest)

Relieved yet still captivated, the spectators continued to observe the hatchling, their eyes locked on its every movement as members of the press snapped their pictures and asked their ceaseless questions. The following day, the scientists were scheduled to hold a lavish press conference and baby shower for the extraordinary child. The event was a grand affair, attended by wealthy guests, high-born nobility, foreign royalty, and even people of middle-class economic standing.

Original image from Pinterest

The grand hall was adorned with opulent decorations, reflecting the elegance of the early 1900s. The baby, now dressed in delicate clothing befitting the Edwardian period specially tailored for its unique physique, lay in an Atlantean Red orichalcum crib, surrounded by an array of gifts. Toys, donations of thousands of American dollars, ornate weapons, books, marvelous jewelry, furs, pets, precious gems, sheep, goats, cows, Arabian and Gypsy horses, gold, silver, bottles, diapers, blankets, and homemade canned baby food were presented to the child, each item befitting the era’s charm and sophistication.

As the panel of chariot scientists took their places on a raised platform, the audience eagerly awaited their explanations. The air was thick with anticipation as questions poured in from all directions. The scientists, with their vast knowledge and expertise, answered each query with meticulous detail, shedding light on the hatchlings' genetic blueprint and physiology. They also conducted group speculations on the possible powers and abilities of the child that could manifest in the future.

Dr. Argyle Hatopus — a member of team Chariot ( original image from Pinterest)

Throughout the day, the hatchling was lovingly cared for by a small unit of elven nannies and wet nurses. These dedicated individuals, chosen for their nurturing nature and unwavering commitment, attended to the child’s every need. They cradled the hatchling, soothing its haunting cries with gentle whispers and tender touches. Meanwhile, the press conference continued as champagne bottles were popped, cake was sliced, fine cigars were passed out, and a banquet of decadent tea sandwiches, wines, coffees, teas, succulent meats, donuts, breads, pies, fruits, ice creams, danishes, and candies was served to all attendees.

Soul Starian Elven Splice and elite SL nanny ( original image from Pinterest)

As the press conference and baby shower drew to a close, the scientists expressed their gratitude to the spectators for their unwavering support and curiosity. The child, now calm and content, gazed at the crowd with its enigmatic eyes, seemingly aware of the attention it had garnered.

Sunflower Legion lab concept # 1 ( original image from Pinterest)

The spectators left the grand hall that day, their minds filled with wonder and awe. Another week would pass and the child would be named “ Feza Rosario “ in a morning naming event. As was the legion mandate they were also christened for further publicity and societal acceptance points.

Image from Pinterest

By the end of that week, Feza had become the darling and fascination of the St. Louis expo but alas Team Chariot’s victory lap came to a close after the task of creating a budding celebrity profile from scratch was accomplished. It was high time for Feza to be passed on to her wards, Giada and Rishabhan.

The departure period was more difficult than Team Chariot had anticipated. After all, they had spent seven years back on the egg of Nicole Nestworld locked in fierce competition with other teams who were grossly overfunded. They had the finest equipment, permits, and connections that Dobra and Blue Blood could purchase and conjure. Dr. Sunlo and his team were underdogs in their battle for scientific prestige. Their long-shot victory, although viciously acquired, became the stuff of fairytales.

Original image from Pinterest

Feza was passed around and held by all members of the team who designed her and in those quiet tender moments, there was an unspoken gratitude for what they had exchanged. Feza went from existing as a perplexing military concept on a lengthy blueprint proposal to a living being with an expected long life and a wealth of guaranteed opportunities ahead.

Meanwhile, the fortunes, reputations, and academic superstardom of Team Chariot were ironclad and secured for the rest of their lives. No matter how Feza’s life unfolded their legacy was ensured and would live on age after age until the egg of Nicole at long last flatlined and ceased to be.

Original image from but original artwork by Wayne Barlowe

Sometime after exchanging hands Giada and Rishabhan used the fairy spell ‘Glamor’ to cloak her appearance to that of a human infant. They took the hatchling aboard a luxurious ocean liner by the name of RMS Scepter and it was on that ship that Feza became more acquainted with the two guardians who would care for her over the next ten years.

RMS Scepter interior — concept art # 2 ( original image from Pinterest)
RMS Scepter Cafe lounge concept # 1 ( original image from Pinterest )

Although still a baby, Feza had ample intelligence and was able to communicate with her guardians through visions and dreams while both guardians would communicate back in that same manner. During the voyage, Feza would begin to learn English, Italian, and Hindi from Giada and Rishabhan along with New World and Legion history. The speed at which Feza was able to learn and comprehend was astounding leaving both them both in awe.

RMS Scepter concept # 1 (original image from Pinterest)

After three weeks at sea, the RMS Scepter arrived in Bombay, India and the trio was instantly greeted by British military officers and Sunflower Agents. The greetings from both parties were warm and enthusiastic. However, the energy of India at that time was superbly sorrowful and in a state of perpetual gloom despite all of the splendor and opulence enjoyed by the British and the Legion. Traveling by imported Gypsy caravan drawn by a team of Peacock Appaloosa unicorns (aka Plague Ponies) Feza and her Guardians were given a tour of the city on their way to ancient Dwarka.

Peacock appaloosa horse (original image from Pinterest)

During this time Rishabhan and Giada couldn’t help but be sickened by the things they were witnessing. Bombay was a city of extreme famine. Fly-infested corpses littered the streets. Left to rot in the sun, some were being devoured by feral dogs and even vultures. The putrid stench of death overwhelmed and overpowered the senses causing Giada to vomit on the caravan floof. Rishabhan shed silent tears for the starving civilians reduced to mere skeletons that aimlessly wandered through the city desperate for food.

Bengal Famine of 1943 ( original image from Pinterest) + ( in India Famines happened on and off from the 1800s - 1943 while the British occupied the country, Millions died of starvation and disease. Arguably more died in these Indian Famines than in the holocaust.)

This iteration of India and this version of Earth was not Rishabhan it was darker and far more sinister than the one he knew and loved and in the case of Giada most if not all of her legion career had been spent behind a desk. This was her first official field quest and already the old woman was utterly sick to her stomach and swore to herself that she’d file for early retirement come the end of “Operation Steward”.

{ The inspiration for this segment of the story came from Watching several documentaries on the lost city of ancient Dwarka which is the Indian equivalent of Atlantis. The city was discovered submerged underwater and it’s been a modern-day marvel in the archeological world. Furthermore, I also watched some documentaries on old British colonization and the Indian Famines which I found heart-wrenching because it’s barely even mentioned in the West, I for one know I never learned about it in grade school or university which makes me wonder why. }

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The Scribers Nook
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