avatarSusi Moore


MuserScribe is calling for submissions from fiction writers and poets to contribute stories and essays inspired by their personal muses.


The MuserScribe publication is actively seeking new contributions from writers who wish to share their creative inspirations. This call for submissions encourages writers to explore the origins of their creativity, whether through personal essays, fiction, poetry, or non-fiction. Contributors are invited to discuss the people, places, or events that first inspired them to write, or to provide insights into the inspiration behind previously published works. The publication welcomes a diverse range of content, including stand-alone 'about me' stories, introductions pre-facing the content of a story, and various forms of writing accompanied by discussions of their inspirations. Writers are also guided on how to submit their work to the publication and are encouraged to engage with the MuserScribe community by following the publication, clapping for the call for submissions post, and responding with their interest in writing for MuserScribe.


  • The role of the Muse is central to the creative process, serving as a source of inspiration and a driving force behind story


Calling all Wordsmiths!


Photo by Carlos Kenobi on Unsplash

❤ Non-Medium members can read this story freely here: ❤

MuserScribe is actively seeking contributors! MuserScribe is a publication, dedicated to all you wordsmiths out there. Not just any wordsmiths but … those who like to talk about … well, the Muse!

It could be said the role of the Muse is to ignite the spark of creativity and keep it aflame until your story is told.

We can draw inspiration from anywhere, poetry, art, myths, memories, photographs, clouds, the moon, the stars, or the contents of our back pockets. Oh, and the actual Greek Muses

If your Muse brings life and colour to your writing, MuserScribe is the place to talk about it.


  1. Write a stand-alone ‘about me’ story talking about the people, places, or events that first inspired you to become a writer;
  2. Write a story (fiction or non-fiction) then write an introduction talking about the inspiration behind your work. The introduction should preface the content of your story;
  3. If you want to talk about the inspiration behind a previously published piece of work, it’s acceptable to include a link (and provides you with double exposure!) to that work in the body of your piece.
  4. Short form, personal essays, chapter extracts, fiction, poetry, non-fiction, or self-help stories with your discussion of the inspiration behind them are all welcomed.
  5. For examples, see stories below already published in MuserScribe:

Writing for MuserScribe

  1. Please follow MuserScribe — we want you to be part of our community!
  2. Clap for this post (hey, algorithms!) to help us connect with a wider audience of wordsmiths;
  3. Respond to this post with ‘I’d love to write for MuserScribe!’ Don’t forget to add your @ username.

If you’re already a writer for MuserScribe you can submit as usual … click the three dots at the top of your draft, then click Add to Publication then select MuserScribe.

For formatting guidance, please see below:


My vision is to create a publication for writers and wordsmiths to share their muse, imagination, inspiration, and more. Simply respond to this post and be part of something special.

Happy Musings! ★。・:*:・゚☆

‘Let’s convert the Muse into words!’ — Susi Moore

© 2023 Susi Moore. All Rights Reserved.


Want to showcase your imagination and talent? Join my latest publication, The Scriber’s Nook (the sister publication to Muserscribe) to submit your fiction, poetry, and more. 💜💜💜

Call For Submissions
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