Back to Routine
Week 110 of the photographic documentary of my daily life
I’m lying here in my hammock wrapped up in a blanket. Fall has surely arrived. While it’s still warm in the sun, the temperatures drop quickly when you’re in the shade. And we all know what cooling effect a forest can have. Which is where I am.
It’s Monday and we did some work in the garden. We replaced the tarp we put over the entrance of our trailer. It had experienced some rough weather this season and it was now full of holes halfway tearing apart.
I decided that was enough work for our off day and then grabbed my tablet and my hammock. At the edge of the forest, I created my peaceful working space.
I call it a working space because it’s where I am writing and reading right now. After 8 days of vacation of which 6 of them were out of cellphone reception, I have some catch-up to do. My reading list is back up to 100 stories and it will take some time to get it back to zero.
But right here, in the forest, I can stay for a few hours reading. Because I feel at peace.
Let’s start this week’s photo essay with the last day of our vacation. On Thursday we flew back from Innsbruck to Berlin with a short layover in Vienna. It was raining when we walked across the airfield in Innsbruck. It made our departure from the Alps just a little more melancholic.
I love mountains.
If I should settle down sometime somewhere in the world, it won’t be in the flat lands. I need some mountains around me, that is for sure.
This trip just showed me again how much they give me. In energy, creativity, and happiness.

Friday morning I woke up to sunshine and moisture in the air. The grass was covered in rain drops and I quickly pulled out the camera to capture the magic of the moment.
A few hours later I was back at work.

Saturday was a magical day. Yes, we were at work as always on weekends but the clouds were moving in and out all day long. And just before we finished the day we had this spectacular jump through the clouds, a circular rainbow, and downpours on the horizon.

I wanted to take a picture of this present we got from one of our students but when we were drinking the wine, it was finished before I could take out the camera. So I took the image now, before disposing the bottle.
It’s a bottle of South African wine.
I like it when people give thoughtful presents. Yes, we do love a good bottle of South African white wine.

And here we are. Monday. I’m in the hammock. Writing and reading. While listening to the birds singing in the tree tops above my head.

I bought these lovely flowers yesterday. I wanted some more color in my garden. There are still some wildflowers blooming but not for long. When I saw these yellow shining beauties in the store I had to get them.
And today, they are already taken all in. Covered in droplets they are now part of the natural environment around our trailer.

Did I mention yet what a dry summer we had? Well, guess what? I’m super excited to see all these fungi growing all around us. There are lots of different species popping up all around the airfield.
Yes, it’s a sign it has been raining in the last few weeks. And it has. A lot.
I love it.
But you can see, behind those mushrooms and some freshly grown blades of grass, there’s lots of dry and dead grass. It’s gone. Forever.

Oh, and while I called this piece “back to routine”, I should probably include a picture of our home. A trailer we’re renting on-site.
The outside of it we pretty much created ourselves. We stuck two wooden poles in the ground and pulled a tarp over from the roof of the trailer. To have a dry entrance to our home and to have some space for our barbeque and some other stuff we store outside.

This has been my week in photographs. 7 days. 7 photographs. Anyone can join. Once. Or weekly. It doesn’t matter. We welcome everyone! Dennett started this photography challenge in 2020 and many have participated ever since.
Erika / Eileen / K. Barrett / Juan / David / Mia / Susan / LensAfield / Kim / Barbara / Diana / Barb / Sandra / Shruthi / Ellie / Pene / Olive / Gustavo / Jane / Penny / Jillian / Shell / Ivy
And these are the previous weekly photo essays:
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