Ashes to Ashes; Dust to Dust
KTHT Friday Prompt: Honour Gaia

塵歸塵 ashes to ashes, 土歸土 dust to dust
metaphorically speaks of resurrection, of a circle of life, of things returning back to where they were sourced.
I came to understand this literally — for the products we buy may become out of sight when we expel them, but are they out of mind enough for us to believe that they are gone forever?
To honour mother earth is to recognize that there is a rhythm and cycle to things that grow and things that die,
that we cannot continuously manufacture nor produce and expect continuous consumer growth based on sucking resources dry and products that reincorporate into mother earth in harmony.
Lucy (The Eggcademic) [she/her] owes her first recognition of this concept to The Story of Stuff, an animated short (released 11 years ago??? Oh how time flies) on “where stuff goes”. From then she’s been reflecting a lot more on how to upcycle items and reduce waste — because stuff doesn’t just “go away”. Thank you so much to 𝘋𝘪𝘢𝘯𝘢 𝘊. for the Friday prompt “Honour Gaia”.
What’s next… this article from Tara Haelle or some more thoughts from me?