Are You Wasting Precious Time
We each have the same number of hours in a day and days in a year, yet some people are much more productive and strategic.

Time is our most precious commodity, yet people waste it daily. I am far better today at time management and productivity than I was a few years ago; thank goodness for awareness. How often do you see someone scrolling on their phone — literally index finger or thumb, moving up the screen so fast that they are not absorbing what they see? How often do you see a couple out to dinner and one, if not both, busy on their phone rather than being present with one another? Would you spend time and align priorities differently if you knew your expiration date?
Five Biggest Wastes of Time Wastes
- worrying
- complaining
- seeking external approval
- ruminating thoughts
- fear of failure
Worrying robs us of the present moment and takes us to a bad memory from the past or into the future, where we are imagining an outcome that may not even happen. Worrying causes stress and anxiety.
I find when worry creeps into my mind, it helps to come back into present-moment awareness. I use three of my favorite techniques for this.
- I go outside and connect with nature. This has an immediate calming effect on me.
- I then engage in deep breathing.
- I practice grounding techniques if worrisome thoughts are still buzzing through my mind.
- A straightforward method is to look around and count the trees I see.
- Then, I count the different flowers around me.
- Next, I name the colors of my shirt.
- I identify as many shapes as I see, including in the clouds.
- I think of the funniest movies I have ever seen.
- I name the best places I have visited.
- Then, I reassess my worry and anxiety. If it is still above a five on a scale of 1–5, I repeat.
Complaining breeds negative energy, which attracts negative outcomes. I prefer to use my time brainstorming solutions to problems and taking inspired action in a positive direction. No one likes to be around a negative nilly.
Seeking External Approval
I learned that if I relied on other people to feel good about myself, I lost sight of my own vision and goals. No one needs to know my plan. There will always be Debbie Downers and naysayers. I learned to let the haters hate and keep on shining. As long as I was kind, respectful of other people’s opinions, and humble, I would continue to rise above and stay focused on my vision. Since letting go of the need for approval, I have accomplished far more, and I am on my path toward my dreams. When I lived to please others, I was on autopilot, and I could never keep everyone happy — especially myself.
Ruminating Thoughts
Rumination, or overthinking, causes me to get tripped up in tiny negative details rather than being solution-focused or ready to move on with more current issues. I have learned that every emotion has its value, and I need to allow myself to feel it free from judgment. Typically, if I am overthinking or ruminating, my thoughts are laced with distortion. It is better to process and express my emotions and work through them than to remain stuck.
Fear of Failure
Fear is an illusion. And failures and mistakes are how we learn and grow. When I was trapped in my ego, I feared failing, disappointing others, and not being good enough. Thankfully, I have ascended to higher consciousness. Now, I do not fear taking risks and trying new things. When I fail, I take personal responsibility. I avoid repeating mistakes.
Final Thoughts
Once our time is spent, it cannot be replaced. We each get the same number of hours in a day and days in a year. Yet, some people are much more productive, generous, and strategic with their time. The older I get, the more I value my mental health and wellness, my friends and family, and the sunshine on a bright, clear day. I do not want to waste time scrolling mindlessly on my phone or computer.
I want to embrace each day. I want to seek adventures that thrill me and spend time with those who inspire me. I want to nourish my body and soul. I want to read articles and books that expand my mind and perspectives.
How do you spend each day? Are you living the life you love? If not, what are you waiting for? Are those extra pounds you want to lose worth sacrificing dinner with friends or body shaming? Do you really want to wait until retirement to enjoy all of your free time and start crossing off your bucket list? How do you prioritize your time, and would that change if you found out you only had months to live?
Thank you for taking the time to read this. You are worthy of all that you desire. I urge you to give up these five time-wasting habits. Consider replacing them with better habits that will serve your higher self. Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel, where I offer daily short videos on emotional intelligence, relationships, meditations, and more. Cheers to The Good Life! ❤️
Peace and Light,
Bonnie wrote an important article about removing labels and seeing people for the completeness of who they are free from judgment.
Sahil Patel wrote about the magic of Forest bathing. Time in the woods is never wasted.