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The article discusses the importance of self-confidence in writing and the pitfalls of comparing oneself to others, emphasizing that every writer has a unique voice and should be celebrated for their individuality.


The author reflects on a Twitter post by a prominent Medium writer who claims to be the best, suggesting that such overconfidence might be counterproductive. Instead, the author encourages writers to focus on their own voice and stories, arguing that there is no such thing as a bad writer on Medium. The article highlights the value of heartfelt, authentic writing and discourages the notion of competition among writers. It calls for mutual support and recognition within the Medium community, inviting readers to share their work and follow the "About Me Stories" publication for encouragement and inspiration. The author also promotes a positive mindset and the belief that every writer has the potential to succeed on their own terms.


  • The author believes that self-assurance is crucial for success in writing but that overtly claiming to be the best can be detrimental.
  • There is an emphasis on the importance of authenticity and the uniqueness of each writer's voice.
  • The article suggests that comparing oneself to other writers is unproductive and can hinder one's own writing success.
  • It is expressed that nervousness about sharing one's work is common but that such writing often has heart and soul.
  • The author advocates for a supportive writing community where everyone's contributions are valued.
  • The author has decided to unfollow the overly confident writer and instead focus on supporting and following other writers in the community.
  • Ryan DeJonghe, the author, is the owner of YourEnergyHealers.Org and encourages writers to believe in themselves and their stories.

Are YOU the Best Writer on Medium?

I think you are a great writer.

Photo by Peggy Anke from Pexels

UPDATED: January 2021

I woke up Christmas morning to find the usual soirée of Facebook posts and Tweets wishing each other festive holiday greetings.

Except from one Medium writer (with 81k followers) on Twitter. His 2 a.m. greeting was, “I’m better than you.” To be precise, he wrote:

“I’m the best writer on @Medium and to be honest it’s not all that close. The other writers know it, too. The streets, the fans, know. I’m going to kill all of you in 2021. It already wasn’t close, but I’m gonna put light years between us. I promise…” — (author withheld)

I’ve written before about assuming a positive identity, and about channeling your inner Muhammad Ali. For you to make it in this game, or any game, you’ve got to step up to the plate with confidence. Believe in yourself. But this statement above might be too much.

First, let me say this:

I haven’t found any sucky writers on Medium.

I’ve said it before; I’ll say it again: I haven’t found any sucky writers on Medium. If you see any, drop me a private not on this article, and I’ll make it a priority to help that writer.

Here’s what I HAVE found: writers that are nervous about sharing themselves with the world. Every week I see a new article from a writer that’s been editing and re-editing their first work before hitting “publish.” They are nervous about not being good enough or that someone will critique them.

Every. Single. Time. Those articles are really good. They have heart, soul, and humility. Now let’s give those writers some confidence.

This brings me to the 2 a.m. challenger

I’ve enjoyed reading the articles of this perhaps-overly-confident writer. It has that particular kick-your-ass-into-gear type of feel to it.

I’m assuming that writer is trying to get everyone riled up. He wants people to have a fire in their belly and get busy writing. For some, competition brings out the best performance. Or, maybe he’s trying to get himself riled up. I don’t know.

With that said, I don’t EVER recommend comparing writers. I ESPECIALLY don’t recommend comparing yourself to other writers. I guarantee comparing yourself to other writers is writing death. Your success and accomplishments are your own. I believe in you; believe in yourself.

Find your own voice. You are the best at sharing you. No one can share your stories better than you can. There’s no need to try and replicate someone else’s style. There’s enough room here for everyone.

Now I follow you

Today, I’ve unfollowed that writer. Instead, I’m going to follow you.

Drop a comment here, or drop a link to one of your articles. I believe there is incredible talent in this community. I believe that a rising tide will raise all boats.

Let’s celebrate you and your excellent writing.

About Me Stories

Quy Ma got it right when he started the publication About Me Stories. If you haven’t already, go over there and submit your story. Follow the publication and Quy to support this great work.

I’m not saying that other writer is a lousy writer — he’s a great writer. But I don’t want 2021 to be all about him. I want there to be plenty of space to celebrate YOU.

You are worthy. You are talented. You have something special to share.

I want to read about it.

Celebrating YOU — the greatest writer on Medium

I want to celebrate you. I believe in your ability to write, and to create. So please do these things:

  • Comment on this article so I see you, or share a link to your article.
  • Follow About Me Stories and Quy Ma.
  • Create your About Me story, and let me know about it.

Oh, and before you go, please spread some love to Tim Denning. He’s got twice the number of followers as that other writer, which I attribute to Tim’s message of “you can do it too” versus “I’m better than all of you.” He’s a genuinely nice guy that offers great advice. Again, not that I want you comparing writers (but I’d rather follow Tim). And you! I want to follow you.

Want to make $1,000 a month on Medium? Read this:

Ryan DeJonghe is the owner of YourEnergyHealers.Org, an online collaborative of Reiki energy healers offering services over video. He also likes to write stuff people enjoy reading. You never know what he’ll say next.

Connect with Ryan on Twitter at https://twitter.com/LifeisPresence.

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