Are You Ready for 2024?
Start preparing before the end of the year.
The New Year is just around the corner, less than 3 weeks away. I know we are all familiar with the term New Year’s resolution. It’s that time of year when we decide what we’re going to do or change for the New Year.
This year, take the time to prepare before the new year arrives. It’s important to reflect and prepare for 2024. Use this time to reinvent your goals, your habits, and your values.
2023 Reflection
It’s important to reflect and appreciate where you’ve been. Reflect on both the good and the bad. Below is a short list of things you can take a moment to reflect on for 2023. Add to this list other things you would like to reflect on.
- Make a list of lessons learned.
- Make a list of accomplishments.
- What’s your biggest lesson/theme from this year?
- What’s the one thing you wanted to do but never could do?
- What’s an area where you got stuck or couldn’t move forward?
2024 Intention
In short, it is the idea that you plan (or intend) to carry out. It helps you find a goal and purpose to live by. It is a state of mind in which you commit yourself to a course of action. Think about two years from now and ask yourself.
- Where do I see myself?
- What characteristics do I have?
- What is my morning routine?
- What is my work-life routine?
- What kind of people are my friends?
Use these examples of intentions to help you prepare and create goals for the new year. Imagine where you want to be. Create and align your preparation and goals to get you to that finish line.
2024 Preparation
Preparing for the New Year is very important. This is where you do all the work that will lead you to the success of your goals. Preparation work allows you to start on time.
- What skills would you like to learn?
- What day of the week will you rest?
- Have you set up an emergency fund?
- Have you thought about creating a vision board?
- What % of your income will you set aside for savings each month?
2024 Goal Setting
Here are some examples of goals. Create goals that align with the life you want in 2024.
- What habit or system would you like to use or implement?
- What will your morning routine look like?
- Choose two areas of your life to focus on.
- What are your financial goals?
- What is your work-life plan?
You can’t write things down and forget they exist. Do the work to get there. Once you have your goals, implement a plan to get there.
Prepare for 2024, before 2024.
Start preparing today. Don’t wait until the new year.
Here are two examples of goals and actions to take BEFORE the New Year.
Goal: Read a book
- Decide how often and when you will read. Every night before you go to bed. Once or twice a week in the morning.
- Decide where you will find your books. A bookstore, library, or online?
- Decide on your first book or two.
- Confirm that you can have the first book in your hands on January 1st.
Goal: Exercise
- Decide if you will go to a gym or stay at home.
- Decide on the number of days and time of day.
- Make sure you have the proper shoes.
- Make sure you have the proper clothing.
- Decide what activities you want to do and make sure you can do them.
- If you need transportation to exercise, make sure it is available.
- Figure all this out, get your equipment, and start on January 1st.
To-Do List
Here’s a short list to help you start planning and taking action for an incredible year. Tailor it to your own goals.
- Review everything under 2023 reflections, 2024 intentions, 2024 preparations, and 2024 goal settings.
- Make your own lists or use the lists above.
- To help with goals, turn the questions above into statements.
- Once you’ve completed your vision board, put it in a place where you’ll see it every day.
- Once you’ve written your goals, prepare to start them on January 1. Not after.
- Make sure you have a moment to rest, reflect, and celebrate 2023.
In conclusion
Look forward to the new year. Be optimistic. Let the new year inspire you. Allow yourself to imagine the newness of a new year. Celebrate new beginnings, new goals, and new possibilities.
The New Year is what you believe it to be. If you believe that something good and new will come in the next year, it probably will. But if you choose to begin it negatively, it can be negative as well.
For 2024, discipline will be key.
Get ready, set, and go! End your 2023 on a high note. Prepare yourself for an outstanding 2024.
I focused all my X posts this month on 2023 reflection and 2024 preparation and goals. You can check it out to help you put this article into practice every day.
Until we meet again, Keep Living and Writing!

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