avatarLuke Tarling


The author reflects on overcoming recent personal challenges, including online harassment and privacy breaches, while celebrating professional transitions, mental health progress, and future aspirations.


The author shares an update on their life journey, detailing the stress and anxiety caused by persistent online harassment and attempts to breach their privacy, including their NHS medical records. Despite these difficulties, the author remains resilient, finding solace and a sense of achievement in their professional life and social connections. They express pride in transitioning smoothly into a new job and in managing their emotions without antidepressants for the first time in years. The author is optimistic about the future, setting goals such as buying a new home, adopting a dog, and traveling. They emphasize the importance of vigilance and optimism in personal growth and view change as an opportunity for evolution.


  • The author feels that life's challenges, such as online harassment and privacy invasions, are daunting but not insurmountable.
  • They believe that their efforts in therapy and lifestyle changes are paying off, as evidenced by no longer needing antidepressants.
  • The author values their work and social connections as significant sources of hope and pride.
  • They consider financial stability and the ability to save for a home and travel as important life achievements.
  • The author perceives change not as something to fear but as a chance to grow and evolve.
  • They advocate for being vigilant about personal privacy and mental health while maintaining an optimistic outlook on life.

An Update On My Current Journey

Photo by Nahel Abdul Hadi on Unsplash

Sometimes, life has its way of biting us on the backside. The powers that may be have the ability to launch challenges at us like boulders from a cannon. Recently, I’ve found myself falling upon incredibly stressful times at a time when I’m supposed to be happy. Online harassment, attempts to breach my privacy and the mental toll that has accompanied these uncomfortable moments have been incredibly daunting. However, despite these struggles, I have remained proud of myself and I still have the same newfound hope for the future that has been fuelling me for the past few months. Come along as I share an update on my journey and the hurdles that have lay in my path.

Photo by Casey Thiebeau on Unsplash

My Struggles:

Online harassment is an unfortunate constant in modern society. For months and months, I have found myself the target of relentless attempts to invade my privacy. Every aspect of my presence online has been attempted to be breached through login attempts and countless emails. This has even included my details with the NHS (National Health Service) which includes private medical notes. Such breaches of privacy have caused incredible upset and a sense of alarm inside my mind. It is starting to feel like a constant battle to safeguard my personal information and, above all else, keep my peace of mind.

Photo by benjamin lehman on Unsplash

Embracing the Future:

However, although I have felt very mentally drained, significance continues to be restored in my life through work and social connections. I feel like I’ve transitioned perfectly in terms of my job and I’m immensely proud of myself. I’m filled with incredible hope for the future and I have started to create wish lists and goals for where I want my life to be in the coming years. Now that I am more financially stable, I can finally focus on saving up for a new home and adopting a dog into our family. I cannot wait to travel the world and I plan on going on at least one holiday a year.

Another personal milestone of mine that I am proud of is my change in medication. For the first time in over three years, I am not taking an antidepressant anymore. This is one of the most significant steps of my journey so far as it means I have learned how to manage my emotions without depending on medication. This is such a significant step because it means the effort I have put in through therapy and lifestyle changes is finally starting to pay off and once again I feel free.

Photo by Jason Hogan on Unsplash

To conclude, life is constantly full of ups and downs, and there’s not a whole lot we can do about it other than being vigilant of people and ourselves. But with vigilance comes optimism and with optimism comes pride. It’s essential to remember that even in life’s hardest moments there is always potential for growth and hope. I have also learned that change is not a thing to be afraid of, but rather a chance to evolve. Thank you for taking the time to read my article, and I wish you all the best for the road ahead.

Mental Health
Self Improvement
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