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A family embarks on a unique and challenging journey to help their son relocate for graduate school during the peak of the global pandemic, adhering to strict safety protocols and forgoing traditional travel experiences.


In the summer of 2020, amidst the global pandemic, the author recounts their family's extraordinary trip to assist their son in moving to Illinois for his graduate studies. Despite the cancellation of in-person graduation ceremonies due to the pandemic, the son's acceptance into a prestigious program necessitated an in-person move. The family opted to fly, taking precautions such as wearing K-95 masks and face shields, and meticulously sanitizing their surroundings, including their airplane seats and hotel rooms. The trip was marked by a conscious avoidance of social interactions and dining out, focusing solely on settling the son into his new environment. The experience deepened their family bonds and provided a clear perspective on the essentials of life, with the author inviting readers to share their own pandemic travel stories and promoting their personal essays newsletter.


  • The author views travel during the pandemic as a profound change in living, emphasizing its impact on their family's ideas and values.
  • The family's decision to fly instead of drive is influenced by their preference to avoid long car journeys due to motion sickness.
  • The author expresses a sense of gratitude and relief upon completing the trip without contracting COVID-19, highlighting the anxiety associated with travel during this time.
  • The family's meticulous sanitization efforts reflect their concern for health and safety amidst the pandemic.
  • The author is impressed by the safety measures and commitment to a safe environment observed at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
  • The trip's silver lining is seen in the strengthening of family relationships and the appreciation for everyday moments with loved ones.
  • The author values the importance of sharing personal experiences, as evidenced by their invitation for readers to share their stories and their creation of a newsletter for personal essays.


An Unforgettable Trip during a Global Pandemic

In Response to CC5: My Life Lesson While Traveling

Image by B.R. Shenoy

“Travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living.” — Miriam Beard

I am penning this essay in response to Winston and Sharing Randomly’s travel challenge in Coffee Times to share our most endearing lessons while traveling.

My most challenging travel experience occurred in the summer of 2020. I will never forget traveling during the heyday of the global pandemic with my immediate family.

Photo Credit: B.R. Shenoy

Traveling to Assist My Son in Relocating

My son was a senior at a large public university when, in March 2020, his university unexpectedly shuttered. The students were all sent home. Like millions of other students, all of his classes were shifted to a remote format plunging students and faculty into the unfamiliar world of online learning.

My son graduated with dual undergraduate degrees that ill-fated summer.

Much to his chagrin, both of his departmental ceremonies were canceled. He received his cap, gown, and diplomas in the mail. You can read more about my 2020 graduates here.

Fortunately, my son was accepted into a prestigious graduate program at a university in Illinois. He was eager to begin his graduate studies, particularly the lab work. The latter had to be conducted in person.

We packed and boxed up all his belongings in preparation for his graduate school move. We had paid a moving truck to relocate all his possessions from our family home to his graduate student apartment.


Flying During A Pandemic

We contemplated driving to Illinois but then thought better of it.

My husband and son were fine either way, but my daughter and I dislike lengthy drives. We are both prone to motion sickness, so we all decided to take a flight instead. You can read more about our adventures at the airport here.

We doubled up on our K-95 masks and utilized face shields. Remember, this was before COVID vaccinations and boosters were available. That summer, COVID hospitalizations reached an all-time high.

In our carry-on baggage, we had our own mini bottles of hand sanitizer and antibacterial wipes. Before we sat down, we meticulously wiped down our airplane seats, armrests, and tray tables.

Fortunately, aside from a crowded aircraft, our nonstop journey proceeded smoothly.

With that being said, the higher quality masks were uncomfortable to wear for extended periods. As everyone can attest to, elastic ear straps can pull behind the ears, causing friction with extensive wear.

Photo by Shopify Partners from Burst

Staying at Hotels During a Pandemic

When we arrived in Chicago, we took the hotel shuttle directly to our hotel, making no stops along the way.

Before unpacking at our hotel, I painstakingly wiped down everything in the two rooms we booked for our stay.

We ordered take-out, indulged in Chicago deep-dish pizza, and watched live political coverage on TV — the only thing on TV other than nonstop pandemic coverage at the time.

We never left the hotel room for anything other than picking up our dinner that evening.

The next day, we picked up our rental car and drove the two hours to Urbana.

We booked into yet another hotel, and I again wiped down all of the furnishings in the room.

Unpacking and Putting Away Personal Effects

The following day, the moving truck arrived with my son’s belongings.

My daughter and I both enjoy organizing things, and we had our work cut out for us.

We both proceeded to busy ourselves cleaning the apartment, unpacking, and putting away basic toiletries, medications, phone and computer chargers, essential food preparation items, and kitchen items.

My husband assisted my son in configuring his desktop PC and apartment wi-fi.

COVID-19 testing site at UIUC Image by B.R. Shenoy

The Campus

We ordered take-out and partook in all our meals inside my son’s spacious two-bedroom apartment during this period.

Outdoor activities were limited to strolling around his new on-campus surroundings.

I must say that I was impressed that almost everyone at the university was all masked up and taking all the safety precautions, even outdoors.

The campus was genuinely committed to a safe environment. As a mother, the fact that COVID testing sites were set up across campus provided me with comfort.

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Images by B.R. Shenoy

End of the Trip

The flight home was the same deal.

We were grateful to arrive home safe and sound after getting my son settled into his new place.

However, it was not until the two-week quarantine period that I could breathe a sigh of relief, knowing we did not get infected with the COVID virus.

Closing Thoughts

What would have been a mundane trip in normal times was anything but.

In fact, it was the most bizarre journey we’d ever taken.

For the entire length of the trip, which was four days and three nights:

  1. We did not meet any relatives or friends.
  2. We did not do any sightseeing whatsoever.
  3. We didn’t eat inside or even outside a single restaurant.

Our sole purpose was to help my son unpack and settle into his new place.


The silver lining of pandemic travel was unquestionably the deepening of family bonds as a consequence of our time together.

We’ve also gained a better understanding of what’s truly essential in life.

We should appreciate the simple everyday moments with our families that we frequently take for granted.

Despite the challenges we all experienced, we will have many fond recollections of those days.

Do you have any travel experiences during the pandemic? Please share in the comments.

I recently created a newsletter on Substack for my personal essays on parenting, family, expat life, travel, and humor. Here’s a link to my profile.

This Happened To Me
Travel Writing
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