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An Ode to Anyone Who’s Experienced Toxic Management in the Workplace

It’s often felt before it’s seen.

Image by author.

It starts as a feeling

Brought on by a condescending remark or negative tone from your manager

You start to question whether it’s all in your head, or if you’re being “too sensitive”

But over time that feeling manifests into something deeper

A pattern of behaviour begins to emerge

The condescending remarks pile on

Blame shifting happens more often than you’d like

You’re belittled in front of others as well

A “do as I say, not as I do” mentality shines through

Sunday nights are filled with dread while Monday mornings are fuelled by anxiety

Heart palpitations, tension headaches, and back pain become your new reality

Your body’s way of telling you that something isn’t right

Every action you take is nitpicked and watched from afar

In their eyes, no matter what you do; it’s wrong

Seeds of doubt start planting in your head

Maybe you’re the problem after all

You try to do things their way and find yourself on the verge of burnout

Their harsh remarks bring you down, while their conflicting directives make you question your sanity

They rarely follow through on what they say, but make it seem like you’re the problem anyway

Pleasing them is a losing battle

You remind yourself that before they came along

No one had issues with your work

You were doing great

You reach out to HR, only to be told it’s a matter of perception

Which on paper makes sense, but in practice feels like something more

A manager has a right to manage, but not treat you this way

Their abuse of power stems from a need for control

They see you as a roadblock from delivering the results they want

And will do anything in their power to get you out

Isolating you from the rest, treating you like a pawn in a game of chess

Their behaviour is covert and lives in the gray area

Hidden behind corporate buzzwords and high-performance

Making it hard to prove and easy to dismiss

Leaving room for interpretation to exist

Delivering results is what sets them apart

And keeps the toxic cycle alive

Forcing many good employees to quit and look for a new job, despite the psychological impact left behind

When it comes down to it, it’s always about the bottom line

You may feel alone in this, but that couldn’t be further from the truth

With toxic managers on the rise, it happens more often than you think

The best thing you can do is speak your truth and learn the warning signs

Bide your time and get the help you need to leave before it eats you up inside.

Because no job is worth putting your mental health on the line

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