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Arthur G. Hernandez recounts his near-death experience, his lifelong study of leadership, and his commitment to inspiring and educating others, emphasizing the importance of selecting the best leaders for a better future.


Arthur G. Hernandez introduces himself as a survivor who has overcome medical challenges since infancy, shaping his perspective on life and leadership. Despite not finishing college, he has dedicated over three decades to studying leadership, which he considers his life's work. His professional life, beginning at age 12, has been marked by roles in teaching and management, providing him with practical insights into leadership. Hernandez, a family man with a personal understanding of life's hardships, aims to uplift and inspire others through his writings and speeches. He stresses the importance of community education and choosing the right leaders to positively impact society. His message is one of hope and action, urging people to start correcting their mistakes for the betterment of their lives and communities.


  • Hernandez views his childhood medical experiences as formative, likening himself to a science experiment.
  • He is passionate about leadership, considering it not just a professional interest but a personal calling.
  • He believes in the power of storytelling and sharing personal experiences to encourage and provide solutions to others.
  • Hernandez emphasizes that the impact of a message can ripple through communities, reaching those who need it most.
  • He is an advocate for proactive change, both on an individual level and within the broader community.
  • Through his narratives, he warns of the consequences of poor leadership and the importance of learning from past mistakes.
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An Introduction: Arthur G. Hernandez

From the Beginning

When I was five months old, I passed away on an operating table. I was brought back to life shortly, and as near as I can tell, I’ve been that way since.

Because of all the doctor visits I had as a kid, where they continued to study my heart and lungs, I thought I was a science experiment. Here’s a story about how I felt during that time of my life:

I grew up with a few medical restrictions, yet I still had quite the adventurous childhood. I’ve written a couple of stories about it. I’ve linked them a little further down.

When I was a teenager, I became real excited studying the art of leadership. It is honestly something that I continue to do to this day. It started as an interest, then became a hobby, then a passion, and I would have to say it has become my life’s work. You can read my Endeavor Perspective series if that sort of thing interests you. It is the culmination of 33 years of my personal study on leadership.

I’ve been working since the age of 12, when I got a job as an arts and crafts teacher for younger kids. Since then I’ve always had jobs where I was some type of teacher/tutor/trainer, supervisor/manager. Most of those jobs were in a retail environment, and they really helped me with my study of leadership. Lots of experiments. Lots of subjects.

I never finished my college degree. I married young and chose to work. I’ve been married for almost 24 years and I have five kids, two boys and a girl, and a surprise set of fraternal twin boys. They keep me busy.

My life is good now, but it hasn’t always been sunshine and gurgling brooks. I played my own evil twin a few times. I certainly understand pain and suffering, confusion and frustration, poverty and desperation.

I know that in life, people approach their challenges differently. Sometimes they need some encouragement. Sometimes they need actual solutions. I’ve always tried my best to listen to others, to hear them, and to understand them.

I try to give those around me uplifting, inspirational talks. I know when people aren’t at their best, it affects everyone around them. And I know when they are on point and at the top of their game, it also affects everyone around them.

The other thing I have come to understand is that the message I give to someone isn’t necessarily meant for them. But they can pass it along to someone else, and that person can pass it along, on down the line, till one day, it connects with that one person that needs to hear it. The chances of me ever meeting that one person (despite that it’s a small world,) are really slim. So when I deliver my message to that first person in the line, I want to give it my best shot. That person down the line, they deserve it, don’t they? Give it your best shot.

For those of you who selected to read this introduction, you are the first line. This is the message you will pass on to others:

We need to look out for one another. We need to teach those around us. We need to train them, educate them, and enlighten them. We have to understand the consequences of not choosing our best leaders to lead us. And we have to understand that it isn’t too late to correct the mistakes we’ve made, either in our lives or in our communities. We just have to start working on them — right now.

Here is when I tried to be a hero:

And here is my warning for the future:

Thank you, again. Hope to hear from everyone soon.

Personal Development
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