Achieving Master Level Joy and Peace
The steps required to achieve permanent joy and peace
Humanity passes from generation to generation, never understanding or experiencing High vibrational joy and peace.
What I am speaking about has nothing to do with moments of pleasure or brief times of wellbeing.
We all have Light and dark cycles in life that generally last 20 years each. See this article on our 20-year cycles.
During Light cycles, our ups and downs are generally less dramatic, but at the same time, we evolve and grow less.
It is in our dark cycles that spiritual evolution is accelerated. These times severely test our inner peace and ability to stabilize into a Higher vibration.
In the Seven levels of spiritual evolution occurring upon this planet, we are not even close to understanding peace and joy.
It is not until we pass through the Battle Scared Warrior level in Initiate that we have finally cleared out enough of the world to sustain Higher Levels of Consciousness. See this article about the levels of spiritual evolution everyone must pass through.
The entry into Advanced Initiate and Master level is the ability to stabilize our Consciousness at Higher Frequencies of Intelligent Thought Reality.
What does it feel like to be living in these Higher frequencies of reality? I have experienced both the lower levels of pleasure and contentment and the Higher levels that I will call joy for lack of a better word and permanent peace.
My library of articles and videos represents my life’s journey of freedom from the astral-purgatory worlds, understanding this pre-programmed reality and awareness of our Cosmic extraterrestrial family.
I share the good and bad and how I have advanced through my life. I can give you some steps I think are essential for attaining Master level joy and peace.
We are seduced and become slaves to our addictions. Addictions will keep you in the very lowest vibrations, and you will never achieve freedom. Low vibrations attract more low vibrations.
These addictions in no particular order are:
alcohol, drugs, smoking, sugar, carbs (corn, bread, pasta), sex-lust, gambling, social media, video games, virtual reality, power, money, competition, sports that inflame aggression, military glorification, polarizing, blaming, shamming, the release of uncontrollable emotions, victimization, internal critical voices, emotional neediness, survival fears, fears of the unknown, lack of trust, impatience, regularly watching and listening to dark, violent movies and music.
I am sure there are others, but you get the idea.
The steps required for freedom will take a lifetime, so you must be patient and have an unshakeable determination to work towards mastery.
You will often not see any short-term ‘payoffs’; growth will be slow.
Over time you will be able to look back and see that you have made progress, but it will also be apparent that you still have a ways to go.
You will have setbacks and feel like giving up, especially during your dark cycles, but this is part of the process.
It would help if you viewed setbacks and failures as teaching moments. They are valuable; they show you where your weaknesses are.
I have had so many setbacks I can’t count them all. A setback could be as simple as craving a glass of wine. This craving is stimulated by a sugar addiction or the need to appease our emotions or escape reality.
When the “need to escape reality” occurs, we must have the discipline to pick Higher vibrational actions.
Higher choices would be to go for a brisk walk or run in nature or peaceful surroundings. Perhaps to go sailing, visit an art gallery, bookstore or work in your garden. Allow nature to balance the feelings of overwhelm or self-judgment.
You could meditate but not in silence but with music. Silent meditations are for when we are feeling balanced and connected to Spirit. Our monkey minds will not settle down during meditation when we feel the need to escape reality.
It is best to play music and focus our minds on the music. Escape into music is an excellent way to change our focus and feelings either while meditating or just listening to it as you move your body in some easy chore around the house.
Instead of putting food or chemicals into our bodies or doing addictive online activities to escape reality, we might read a self-help book or listen to a self-help audiobook or podcast. Find help through reading, watching, and listening to inspirational or supportive ideas.
It will take a long time to release family lineage patterns of victimization and survival fears. These are deeply embedded animal behaviors.
These animal behaviors are why our advanced extraterrestrial friends still consider us a primitive planet.
Our Consciousness is multi-dimensional because it is attached to our Divine Blueprint. If we dedicate ourselves to expanding our Consciousness into Higher Frequencies of reality, we can begin to stabilize at a Higher vibration.
In these Higher densities or frequencies of reality, all these animal behaviors do not exist or have been mastered. Even if we are just there for a short time, these Higher frequencies will reprogram our patterns.
Overcoming survival fears requires an unshakable belief that the universe is benevolent. I have an article about this here.
Even if we don’t believe in a benevolent Universe, we must begin to tell ourselves this is TRUTH. Because in the Higher frequencies of reality, we will discover we have a Cosmic family that supports us.
Telepathic communication will help you significantly stabilize feelings of security, trust, and peace.
I have proven this to myself over and over again. Here is an article on when Spirit intervened in a robbery attempt.
I have had great struggles with malevolent forces during my life, even to the point of death that triggered patterns of victimization, abandonment, and fear. These challenges were teaching moments I had to work through and realize the benefit.
What was the benefit? Higher Consciousness, trusting myself, High intuition, fine-tuned intellect, trust in benevolent forces, rising above victimization, and integrating Higher frequencies that helped me survive trauma and find peace within.
Slowly over time and many trials, I began to unwind many of these addiction patterns. I slowly began to stabilize. This stabilization meant I had more internal peace and contentment with fewer roller-coaster emotions and the need to escape.
Still, the Higher frequency of permanent joy was yet to be obtained. I had been spun so many times in the washing machine of life that it left me numb.
I spent many years numb, which was better than feeling overwhelmed, emotionally needy, driven by addictions, and occasional depression.
Finding TRUE JOY has finally come to me much later in life. I will do my best to describe this joy.
Lasting joy is a permanent companion that never goes away no matter the situation. This takes a lifetime of challenges and spiritual growth to accomplish, and then one day, it just happens…..
One day you have a dawning of a new awareness. This awareness is the union of our human self with our I AM Creator. Please see this article about our Creator and union.
This union is the final surrender of the animal-human self so that our Creator has total dominion. This dominion brings our earth-self into a Royal Cosmic Being.
In this Advanced state, there are no worries about the future, there is no focus on the past, there is only an eternal flow of bliss, but even the word bliss is not correct. People often think of bliss like a trance state; I have had ecstasy moments it is not this. It is also not an emotional experience.
This joy is a constant companion and essence; it’s a new active pattern that has been introduced into our system that is always running in the background. It’s always ON, no matter what the world or our body goes through.