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You Don’t Want to Know About Me ~ I Shatter Realities

My BIO for Illuminations Curated and Integrated Publications

Photo by Jhershierra

Dear Reader, please keep an open mind as you read about my life. It has taken a lot of courage for me to put this information into a library on YouTube and write articles about it here on this platform.

I am going to weave a path through my covert life. This part of me has shaped my entire view of reality in profound ways. It is the most valuable asset I have to contribute to humanity.~~~~~

Sitting on a branch in my favorite tree like I did many times when I was eight, I heard my familiar yet invisible friend speak telepathically to me. He said, “You are hungry. Walk down the street three houses down, the one with the colored windows. Knock on the door and ask if you can have supper with them. They will say yes.”

I walked down the street and asked the lady who answered the door if I could have supper with her, and she said yes. It was the first time I had ever eaten shrimp gumbo. It was the best food I had ever tasted.

I have a covert life where I am consciously, physically, and telepathically connected to advanced Beings; one might call Extraterrestrials or Interdimensional Beings. My conscious connection to these Beings began when I was seven.

After many decades of interaction with these Beings, I have expanded my mental perceptions and Consciousness into more advanced frequencies or densities of Intelligent Thought Reality.

I do this by transferring my Consciousness into different bodies that my Divine Blueprint generates in different realities. These realities my ET friends show me.

One of the main things they taught me is how humanity is trapped in the Earth’s frequency after death.

Almost all of us, when we die, go to the astral/purgatory realm. This frequency or density of reality has a mirror image of Earth. We live the same life as we did on Earth with our dead relatives and ancient genetic ancestors in this mirror world. It doesn’t matter your beliefs; your attachment to your identity and your relatives trap you. Our Divine Blueprint generates an astral body for us to use when we transfer there.

I am being trained to experience other worlds so I can share with people the idea that we have options at death. We can release our body and transfer our Consciousness into new bodies in new worlds in the Universe.

It is a conscious act, we make a choice, and we know where we are going at the moment of death. The transfer is done with the assistance of our Interdimensional Support Team.

I have written an article about life after death and some of my other childhood experiences in the link below for more details.

Moving on, I have had some fantastic experiences during my life, but I have also had some very dark ones.

I want to share with you some of the more challenging experiences. A number of years ago, I started being harassed, interrogated, and tested by the predominately US Secret Space Military Force.

They are primarily off-world military and civilian groups of Humans, although they also work in underground facilities on Earth. This group has access to very advanced mind-boggling spaceships and technology. They are often called “the breakaway civilization.”

If you wonder who else knows about the military secret space program and off-world civilizations, I suggest going to Gaia. Gaia is a reputable online streaming company that has documented military Whistle-Blowers and Experiencers in video interviews. I would start with the series called Cosmic Disclosure :

Secret Space Program Evidence: Documentaries & Videos | Gaia

I was put through a series of tests and asked to sign a contract to join the program. I declined. These tests were done randomly and were advanced skills such as telepathy, bilocation, and being aware when I was being remote-viewed—also, detecting people wearing phase-shifting technology. This technology makes it impossible to identify them or sometimes even see them. I was also taken on board ships and shown what I could contribute.

In one test, a man was remote viewing me in a small room in an underground base. The walls were all white. Nothing was in the room but his chair.

This encounter happened early in the morning while my physical body was sleeping. I was gone (a portion of my Consciousness which includes my mental faculties ) from my sleeping body traveling in another frequency body. I detected what he was doing. I bilocated, meaning I used this other body, not my sleeping body.

I went straight into the room where he was sitting and shoved him off his chair. He tumbled to the ground, startled at what had happened. I left and came straight back to my sleeping body to wake it up.

I have also had to deal with nasty 6th density Beings. Some people classify these Beings as ‘The Watchers or Fallen Angels.” They are actually 6th density advanced Beings who tampered with the Divine Blueprint. This tampering started wars in the galaxy. They lost and were demoted to 4th density to use those blueprint bodies. They kept their 6th density Consciousness, however.

These fallen Beings also interfered with our reality which I call 3rd density. They inserted a corrupt pattern into our Divine Blueprint. From 4th density, which is one level up in intelligence from our frequency, they manipulate our world. Average 4th density planetary Beings are similar to the Star Trek worlds.

These corrupt 6th density Beings control our minds through telepathy and mind programs. They design belief systems to keep humanity trapped in fear, animal addictions, and aggression.

Several of them started a campaign against me, starting back when I was a child. An all-out war against me began around 2010. They sent ‘possessed people’ to try and intimidate me. Quite a number of people in the world are possessed or mind-controlled.

Some of these nasty 6th density Beings manifested in my home and tried to kill me. One of them reached into my chest as they were interdimensional and not entirely physical. He squeezed my heart and stopped it, and I died.

Suddenly I was zapped with energy and resurrected back to life. The Sacred Fire was everywhere, and they backed off and left.

After this experience and the military experiences, I had a dark-night-of-the-soul struggle within myself. All of my beliefs were torn away. I dwelled in a bottomless pit during this time.

At first, I felt abandoned by my ET guides, but they had always been there during these difficult times.

I believed that I was still vulnerable no matter how much protection I had built. It was a spiritually devastating feeling. I was battling forces that no one on Earth had any idea how to manage.

The Catholic church and spiritual people only know how to deal with astral purgatory entities. Such as astral entities who were negative people on Earth and are now what we call ghosts. Ghosts can also be relatives and people attached to a house or a person or an addiction.

Other astral entities are lower demon-type Beings. These are magically created entities from the evil of men’s minds. Humanity deals with all of these entities telepathically, physically, and once deceased in the astral worlds.

Other people cannot step in and vanquish the fallen 6th density Beings from your life. This kind of experience is a personal test. It’s part of the Battle-Scared Warrior Initiation.

Sixth density is the realm of Star Beings. Their bodies are created from stars instead of the lower realms, where bodies are created from planetary systems. These are very advanced and powerful Beings. You have to expand your Consciousness into that frequency to be aware of them.

Over the years since these events happened, I was forced to have a paradigm shift.

I worked on expanding my Consciousness and mental awareness into a 5th density body with the help of my ET guides. I call this my “Smart Body.” I have even had a few 6th density experiences.

As I began to experience these very intelligent bodies of 5th density, I realized that, in truth, the Universe is benevolent. The natural flow of life is abundant, loving, creative, and expansive. I began to bring back this understanding from my time in my Smart Body to my Earth life.

Our world can regain this understanding of benevolence. We, too, as the Human Collective need a paradigm shift.

It is essential to know that even though I am more unified at a higher frequency of peace and benevolence, I still have to deal with challenges. I just respond differently now.

Thank you for reading to the end :)

Self Improvement
Extraterrestrial Life
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