avatarDr. Preeti Singh


About Me: Celebrating Three Years On Medium

My journey as a writer on Medium

Photo by the author-Preeti Singh at Vietnam Red River

Hello Dear Friends and Readers,

Greetings! I am Dr.Preeti Singh and I have been on Medium since September 2020.

I write personal stories about my life and life lessons, travel, yoga, and nature.

I have a PhD in Finance and have been a professor. I have always loved my career in higher education. I have also worked in a corporate organization and been an entrepreneur in the fashion business.

What do I do now? I write creative stuff and am a writer like you.

I have been a researcher and have written 12 books on Finance, I have more than a hundred quality research papers and I have enjoyed my stint in higher education by presenting my research papers in various universities around the world.

I have been a research paper presenter, chaired conferences, and also been a keynote speaker. I have also done some teaching assignments in foreign universities.

To name a few I have been on assignments to the USA, Canada, Germany, Sweden, Austria, and Thailand.

🎉How did I arrive at Medium?

During the Covid period in 2020. I left my full-time work and started writing on WordPress but did not enjoy it. The suggestion to join Medium from my family members helped me to take the plunge.

🎉🎉Did I enjoy it?

I will say Medium is so engaging that it just gets you to be part of it. Many people came and left.

Many times I also thought of leaving but could not leave it. The lure of Medium and the happiness it provides is unparalleled with any other writing site.

My friends have joined other sites too. I being a finance professor should also learn to diversify but I am stuck to Medium like chewing gum. It is a good hobby for me and I spend so many hours at times reading posts.

🎉🎉🎉The three years on Medium have been fun and also frustrating sometimes but I made so many friends that it is difficult to say goodbye so quickly.

Now three years seem as though they have just passed.

What did I enjoy on Medium?

🍀I enjoyed meeting people from different walks of life. I met some Medium friends physically too and had a wonderful interaction with them.

🍀I got an opportunity to meet people from different countries.

🍀There are no boundaries between caste, creed and color. All are the same and are good friends.

🍀I got a chance to read so many stories from people’s lives and learned from their experiences.

🍀 I enjoy writing, editing, and interacting. I not only follow but am a loyal follower and sincerely read the whole article and comment on it too.

🍀I have consistently helped several new writers and am always ready to help them whenever they have any queries.

🍀I got an opportunity to collaborate with other authors at Dancing Elephants Press and published three books of which I am also a part. Thanking Dr. Gabriella Korosi for the initiative and hard work.

1️⃣Holistic Journey Toward Wellness — A comprehensive collection on Health created by 21 amazing writers — Published December 2022

2️⃣The Joy of Life — 11 authors from the Medium platform in Dancing Elephants Press got together to write a book. August 2023

3️⃣Moments of Eternity — Poetry book collection by 15 amazing poets — Published in August 2023

🍀My first article was published in Illumination and I must thank Dr Mehmet Yildiz and Geetika Sethi for hand-holding and introducing me in the initial month when I knew no one and nothing about how Medium works.

🍀I am happy to share that I have a continuing interaction with Dr Mehmet Yildiz and became an editor in Illumination Integrated publications in December 2020 and continue to be an editor there. Thank you, Dr Mehmet Yildiz and the editorial team for having me on board with you.

At present, Besides Illumination, I am an editor in Dancing Elephants Press, The Shortform, Age of Empathy, and The Memoirist. I would like to thank all the editors of these publications.

What are my interests?

I live in the present and love people. My motto is to Live, Love, and Laugh. Each day is special for me. I try to make the most of each day.

I have wonderful friends. I spend my time with them. My family members and friends are special and I feel close to them.

I find beauty in things. I love nature and can spend a lot of time in the open gazing at the moon and stars or looking at the birds, butterflies, trees, and flowers. I walk every evening and soak in the beauty of nature.

I am very fond of yoga and have been in the practice for more than three decades. I must do yoga every day. It is a fitting start to my happy space and day.

I enjoy beautiful dresses be it Indian, Western, or any other country and my signature style is to wear a matching flower on my hair.

I love to travel and see different countries in the world and understand their culture, philosophy, architecture, and style of living. I have friends and family around the world. I write a lot of my travel stories.

I am a happy person and enjoy spreading happiness all around me. My word for the year 2023 is JOY and I share this with another writer Trisha Faye who wrote a beautiful article about me today celebrating my three years on Medium. Thank you! I am grateful to you. You can read it here:

I have worked on different publications as editor and I would be failing in my duty if I did not mention Dr. Gabriella Korosi. Yana Bostongirl, Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles, and Sahil Patel as co-editors who have always helped me.

Thanking Dr. Fatima Imam, Bhavnaa Narula, Yana Bostongirl, and Brajendra for reading all my stories from the time I joined Medium.

I thank all the other writer friends who I have met during my journey on Medium and now we interact on a regular basis.

I have received love from a lot of writers. I thank you all for being with me. Without you, I would not be here.🙏🏽

With love to all❤️

©Dr. Preeti Singh, 2023.

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About Me
Writers On Medium
Writing Life
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