

The narrative "A Walk with My Best Friend" explores the inner thoughts and philosophical musings of the protagonist, Reshma, as she takes a walk in the rain and engages in a reflective internal dialogue about the nature of love, friendship, and attraction.


In the short story "A Walk with My Best Friend," Reshma finds herself contemplating the complexities of human relationships amidst a backdrop of rainy scenery. As she observes people sharing umbrellas and encounters a sleeping dog with her puppies, Reshma's thoughts delve into the nuances of love at first sight, the possibility of platonic friendships between opposite genders, and the fluidity of relationships. Her internal conversation touches on whether love is instantaneous or develops over time, the impact of physical attraction on existing relationships, and the distinction between love and friendship. The story concludes with Reshma acknowledging the unending nature of her questions about relationships, suggesting that self-dialogue can reveal deeper personal insights.


  • Reshma ponders whether love is a gradual development or a spontaneous occurrence, suggesting that time is a critical factor in the evolution of love.
  • She questions the nature of platonic relationships between men and women, hinting at societal skepticism about such friendships.
  • Reshma reflects on the inevitability of attraction to others, even within a marriage, and wonders if this is a reflection of the person's character or a mere change in perception.
  • The narrative implies that the definitions of love and friendship are subjective and can change over time, with the potential for friends to develop romantic feelings


A Walk with My Best Friend

It is raining here. I’m out of my classroom, standing at the door, watching the rain. Suddenly, I realize I have an umbrella. I take it out and start walking, observing people around me. Some walk with friends, sharing a single umbrella, while others walk without one or cover their heads with bags. Funny incidents unfold before me, and I feel lucky to witness and enjoy them.

As I enter my hostel gate, a furry snow-white dog in a sleepy mood looks at me with cute little eyes. Another dog sleeps with her newborn babies silently. Then, a voice speaks to me, “How have you been, Reshma? It’s been a long time.”

“Yes, of course. It’s been quite a while since I spoke with you.”

Photo by Aline de Nadai on Unsplash

Me: I have this feeling, which is making me feel so different! “Does love really exist? What’s your reply?”

Similarly, when you see a person, get attracted to them, and start loving them – a love at first sight – variations of love arise. In the first case, it takes time to love them, and in the second case, it's a single moment; the character never changes, only time changes. Also, if you already love someone and find another person attractive, is that the person’s fault? So many questions arise in me; what can I do?

Voice: “Just leave it, my friend. There are lots of other things for you to think about.”

Me: Yeah, I can let it go, but it always pops into my mind. Also, does friendship between two opposite genders really exist, or is it just infatuation?

Voice: It’s all about your feelings at that moment. You may speak to me right now, but someday you aren’t in the mood to talk to me. It depends, Reshma.

Looking beautiful matters? If you’re married, won’t you be attracted to anyone else? What is love, and what is friendship? Are both the same? Can people who are in a romantic relationship change into being just friends, and can people who are friends develop romantic feelings for each other? Why do you think this happens?

Voice: “It’s complicated, dude. It's all about your perception. Why does that question make you feel different?”

Me: “No, dude. If you see someone who looks attractive and has a good character, and you see that person everywhere every day, and you start loving them...”

"I became too invasive."

Suddenly, I realize I’ve reached my room. Our conversation ends here, between me and myself. But the questions inside me never end. Try talking with yourself; you’ll know your other version.

Thanks for reading

But keep thinking …



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Unrequited Love
Self Love
The Scribers Nook
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