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A Veteran and AI/Human Mistakes — Is AI The Victim Here?

Many of us fear AI, it’s the humans behind it we should fear. They are calling the shots. It’s their mistake that AI obeyed that will harm us.

Image by Annelise Lords

“I refused to go on Workman’s Compensation because of AI’s mistake,” my youngest daughter complains on her way home from working in the Psych Ward night shift at the VA in NY.

“AI is going to physically harm you?” slipped out of my mouth, without permission from my brain.

“Yes,” she rolled her eyes at me.


“They bought in a Vet on Tuesday evening” she began to explain. “He is a sweetheart. He is calm and just a nice guy suffering from PTSD among other things. He had dinner Tuesday, and everything was fine.”

“So, what happened?”

“Patience Mom,” she adds.

I nodded, then she went on.

“Wednesday morning when I asked where his breakfast is after everyone else was served, they have the nerve to tell me that it’s not in the computer that he must be fed.”

“So, if AI doesn’t say he must eat, he doesn’t eat?” slid past my brain again.

“Yep,” she answered in anger.

“But these men served their country. They gave up a lot to protect America,” I rant.

“Dad, always says, “A hungry man, is an angry man,’” she recalls her father’s anger when he is hungry.

“Damn,” my memory followed her.

“Mom, he was mad. These guys are trained to put my lights out in less than two seconds. I work in the Psych Ward! I was the aide in charge of watching him. I was terrified that he might snap and harm me. These men are trained killers! They know how to fight.”

“But that was human error,” I said thinking of the simple mistake and the huge damage it could cause because of human error.

“I don’t care whose error it was, I was afraid he might see me as the enemy and harm me and I would have to go on workman’s comp because Humans didn’t do their darn job!” she fired out.

“If you had lived,” I add.

Her eyes popped as she stared at me thinking about how close she came to death.

“So, what happened?” I quickly said, thanking God, she knew how to handle herself.

“I fought for his meal. How dare someone not do their job? These vets are going through so much trauma many can’t function normally. Their families are hurting, and suffering in silence too. Many children, their Vet fathers are absent from their lives because of the trauma they experienced in wars they didn’t start or wanted to be a part of,” she cussed the system for that simple mistake she had to defuse, with more than ten years of experience and skills, along with common sense.

How dare they put my daughter’s and other workers’ lives at risk! Isn’t anyone aware of the danger involved?

It looks simple and harmless from the outside. This is how many mass shootings start. When someone is going through a mental health crisis, it is pushed over the edge. Many times, a tiny act of kindness and consideration could have saved lives. Most times, someone knows and could have done something to save lives. Inside of the VA, and in a psych ward, are many time bombs waiting for the right push or moment to react or explode. Someone tiny mistake of forgetting that they are dealing with humans being forced to endure mental health issues that disrupt their lives.

Food is a human need, not a want!

Some humans will do anything to eat.

Thinking about this mistake humans made that AI obeyed, and how something that small could cause something bigger to happen. Many of us fear AI, it’s the humans behind it we should fear. They are calling the shots. It’s their mistake that AI obeyed that will harm us.

Our Veterans in every country in our world are pushed into wars they didn’t start, didn’t like, but did what was to be done to protect their country.

None of them should be a victim of Human/AI mistakes.

Working in the Psych Ward anywhere puts the workers’ lives in danger as any of these patients can snap at any moment.

These aides, nurses, doctors, janitors, and everyone else’s lives are in danger. AI mistakes shouldn’t add to the danger.

Humans need to do their jobs better; this would have been a stupid way to lose my daughter.

Our Vets deserve our best, in all areas. Stop relying on AI to do certain jobs. I could have lost my daughter because of human incompetence that AI would be blamed for.

Is AI the Victim?

Because this isn’t an AI mistake!

Happy Veterans Day Vets! We thank you for your service.

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