avatarPoonam Bhatt


The article discusses the cost-effectiveness and convenience of using a Kindle for reading compared to physical books, highlighting eight specific advantages that enhance reading habits and speed.


The author of the article presents a compelling argument for the Kindle's superiority over traditional physical books by detailing its practical benefits. These benefits include the ability to read in various environments and during short time intervals, the option to sample books before purchase to ensure interest, the convenience of carrying multiple books without physical bulk, the customization of text size for comfortable reading, built-in highlighting features, easy summarization of content through exportable highlights, instant definition access for challenging words, and cost savings through free books with an Amazon Prime subscription. The Kindle device is portrayed as an investment that not only speeds up the reading process but also reduces associated costs and enhances the overall reading experience.


  • The author believes that the Kindle app/device revolutionizes reading habits by making it possible to read anywhere and at any time, fitting into the reader's busy lifestyle.
  • It is suggested that the Kindle's sample feature is a money-saving tool that helps readers make informed decisions about book purchases.
  • The author appreciates the ability to adjust font sizes on the Kindle, which can improve reading speed and comfort.
  • The built-in highlighter and dictionary features are seen as significant conveniences that eliminate the need for physical accessories and improve reading

8 Ways Kindle Is Cost Effective Than Physical Book & Can Speed Up Your Reading

Kindle Vs. Physical Books

Photo by César Abner Martínez Aguilar on Unsplash

Stephen King says, “If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot”.

This means if you want to be a good writer you have to be a good reader first.

But life happens, you have a demanding job, kids to take care of, elderly parents to take care of, and not to forget routine household duties.

With all these by your side, time just slips away and in the blink of an eye, morning turns into a night without reading a single page.

And full of guilt, you promise yourself to read the very next day. But deep down you are also aware that tomorrow is also going to be the same.

I know, you really want to change this pattern and make reading your daily habit which is as of now happening once every 3 or 5 days. I can relate to this very well as I have been in your shoes before.

Being a mother, and freelance writer, my house is my workplace. And when you are a ‘working from home’ mother, you are assumed to be available for all rescue operations at home. Like “what’s in for lunch, mom?”, “Mom, I need help with my homework”, etc. I can go on and on about this. But you get the point.

Time just slips away in these small rescue operations and it becomes a real struggle to find peaceful time to write and spare time to read.

But Kindle has changed my reading game completely.

Initially, I started using Kindle as an app installed on my mobile phone. Within a few days only, I realized that Kindle is an extremely useful device, so I got myself one (Are you new to Kindle device? Then click here) and this has changed everything in my reading habit for good. I started to read up to 50 pages of a book in a day irrespective of my busy schedule.

Let me tell you, how kindle has sped up my reading process:

1.I can read wherever I want and in whatever small time pocket I get:

With the Kindle installed on my phone, my waiting time turned into reading time. I can read when I am waiting for my child to come out from school, in the shopping mall waiting for my husband to figure out the perfect hair gel for himself, and while I enjoy my tea/meal alone.

I can even read when I am putting my child to sleep at night. At that time, I have to be by his side till the time he is fully asleep and the lights are dim. As on a Kindle app/device, it is possible to read in a dim light too, which is impossible with a physical book.

2. My book purchase is guided by a Kindle book sample:

With a Kindle app/device, before purchasing any book I can read the book sample (which is 10% of a book's content). That helps me in deciding whether or not the book will interest me. This way I can save many bucks from the book that might not interest me.

3. I can carry many books and read as per my mood:

While traveling, carrying books can occupy lots of space. I have a habit of reading multiple books at different times of the day based on my mood. On a Kindle app/device, I can carry many books and read them based on my mood.

4. I can increase/decrease the letters’ size in a book as per my comfort:

With a physical book, you can’t do anything about printed letter size (font size). Some physical books have a very tiny font size, and it becomes difficult to read, so your reading speed decreases. But with Kindle, you can increase or decrease font size according to your needs. So I keep the font size reasonably big enough to read it faster and skim the text to avoid unnecessary/repetitive lines while reading.

5. I don’t need highlighter:

I have a habit of highlighting important texts while reading. With a Kindle app/device, you don’t need a separate highlighter as it has an inbuilt feature to highlight text. So you will save many bucks on highlighter. And no need to worry about carrying a highlighter along with you wherever I go.

6. I can summarize the book in a few seconds:

Kindle app/device has a feature to export all your highlighted text into your email. So after completing a book, I can export highlighted text, which I can go through later to recall/summarize what I have learned from the book. Click here to read non-fiction bestseller book summaries.

7. I can easily find the meaning of difficult words:

Kindle app/device has an inbuilt dictionary feature through which I can easily find the meaning of difficult words without having to break my reading flow by getting up to look for a dictionary. Also, no need to carry my dictionary along while I am traveling.

8. I can read some books FREE on Kindle with my Amazon Prime subscription:

Amazon Prime offers some best-seller books FREE to read for Prime subscription holders. So if you have a Kindle app/device and have a Prime subscription then you can enjoy reading some bestsellers for free. What is Amazon Prime? Try Amazon Prime For FREE For Next 30 Days. Also, Kindle e-books are more cost-effective than physical books.


With the benefits one gets on Kindle, a Kindle device is an investment rather than a purchase. It can speed up the reading process, make reading possible in as many places as you can think of, and reduce the cost associated with physical books. It is worth investing in a Kindle device.

Check Out Some Kindle Devices Here. Make the most of our Kindle device with Amazon Prime Subscriptions. What is Amazon Prime? Try Amazon Prime For Free For Next 30 Days.

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