avatarEmma Colsey-Nicholls


$75k to $120k A Month From Blogging

A Blogger’s Journey to Six-Figure Success

Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

It's those juicy six-figure numbers like the one in the title that got me fired up with delusional dreams of creating a blogging empire of my own.

Sophia Lee is one of the bloggers I have followed with great interest for some time ever since I saw her video on her $75k blogging month video. I previously had no idea that type of money was possible from writing on a niche blog.

I break down her process from years 1–3 in her blogging business and getting to $75k per month in the above article.

0–$75k TLDR

Year 1

  • Be intentional about creating a blog as a business.
  • Use a premium theme even when getting started.
  • Focus solely on Pinterest and SEO articles, starting with high-search and low-competition keywords.
  • Get into an Ad program early on.

Year 2

  • Focus on creating value and not just selling to the reader.
  • Sign up for affiliate programs to add to your articles. Starting with Amazon as it’s easiest to get into.
  • Study which articles do best and create more of those.

Year 3

  • Grow your email list so you can get readers to keep coming back.
  • Only expand to other socials once you are earning. She started Instagram and YouTube.
  • Hiring Staff.
  • Courses.
  • Physical Products.

If you need more in-depth guidance on how to follow these steps, I highly recommend her courses. She goes into every detail, you get lifetime access.

I have done both Perfecting Blogging and Perfecting Pinterest as a bundle (**note these are affiliate links) and have followed her tools and strategies that have taken my own blog to 30k sessions a month along with some other tools I have learnt along the way.

This is a great beginner course to get you started with setting up a solid foundation for your blog. She has recently updated both courses to be in line with more recent updates, so I’ll be running through it again to help keep page views increasing.

Author Screenshot from My Search Console Dashboard

Watching her continue to grow her blogging empire (which is now also an interior design firm) is proof of the scale that blogging can take you to when you get the formula right.

$75k-$120k Update

Getting to $75k at year at 21 years old in year three is mindblowing to me. But that wasn’t a sign for her to cool off and coast or even to blow it all and spend, spend, spend. She has been very open that she pays herself a modest income and reinvests most of the money back into the business to help it grow.

Over the next 2 years, she focused on the following steps to help expand to now generating $120k a month.

Year 4

  • Creating and selling more courses. Her’s are Perfecting Blogging and Perfecting Pinterest
  • Started an interior design firm as this was always her goal from day one of starting the blog.
  • Started taking risks in the business to help grow.

Year 5

  • Started on TikTok which gained traction quickly and exposed her blog and design firm to new audiences.
  • Started taking on clients for the design firm.
  • Created physical product planners.
  • Hiring full-time employees who can be more involved and fully committed to the business. Also hired employees to do the things that she didn’t know about such as legal, accounting and HR.

Takeaways For My Blogging Journey

I had to look back and check, but I’m now almost 2 years and 95 posts into my blogging journey.

Actually, as I write that I realise that though I have hit 30k sessions a month, it could be so much more if I increased my writing cadence and published more articles.

When I started to focus on growing my blog using SEO, it changed the game for my blog and my business. Not only being able to earn more passive income from placing ads on my articles but reaching new audiences and clients.

Iv had an article that’s gone viral through Google search and I also created a video on it which has also gone viral getting my Youtube channel gaining 90k views and tipped my account over into the monetisation requirements.

My only regret is that I didn’t take blogging seriously that much sooner.

This is still early days even though it’s been two years, I feel like I am only just getting started. As my children are getting older I am finding a little more time to write but I also need to dial in my focus and not spread myself too thinly. Blogging has transformed the trajectory of my business and I’m excited to keep on growing it to become a sustainable business.

For years I have tried to run my business mainly through Facebook and Instagram. I had some small success but for the most of it it’s been a struggle and I got sick and tired of my business being more about effective marketing than what I really love doing is helping transform people’s lives through health and wellness.

Writing and blogging allows me to make an impact with the words I write. It also means I am continually reading and researching in my field, making sure my knowledge is up to date and being able to find the best way to communicate what works to my audience.

Rather than spending all my time learning how to optimise ads or social media posts (Im sick of that shit), I feel like my work is making more of a difference and also attracting in more clients in the process.

Sure, I still have so much to learn about blogging, but writing has felt like I had finally found my home and the rhythm for how I wanted to run my business.

Now the work is about creating more content that resonates and to keep on working on ways to grow. I’ll be doubling down on these areas:

  • Write more consistently keeping focused on SEO
  • Repurpose these articles for Youtube
  • SEO focus on Pinterest

I hope this article served as both help and inspiration on your own blogging journey.

Online Marketing
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