avatarEmma Colsey-Nicholls


The Powerful SEO Method That’s Getting My New Wellness Blog Ranked On Google

As A Beginner Blogger

Photo by Firmbee.com on Unsplash

This is the exact SEO strategy I have been using to get my new blog ranked on google despite a beginner with a low domain authority of just 7 (domain authority is the score from 10–100 on how likely your site is likely to show up in search).

Screenshot of articles that I currently have ranking

My new wellness blog is a little over a year old and I am definitely still a beginner blogger and slowly working on finding my feet with SEO and all things blogging.

You may well have heard that the best way to grow any blog is to get it ranked using organic search. To create articles with the content that people are already searching for within google.

And for a new blog, the only way to get seen is to use keywords that have a high search volume, but low competition so you have a chance of ranking on the first page of google.

Whilst I probably could be growing my blog faster if I used solely SEO-focused articles. In the name of finding joy in the process and maintaining some creative flow, I mix SEO-focused articles with a little bit of whatever it is that is within my worldview.

As I’m now starting to gain a little traction with the SEO articles as I am now getting more than 50% of my daily traffic coming from organic google search.

As much as I like to write with varied styles, I’m choosing to double down on SEO articles.

I love writing, it’s not just about the money, but a girl got bills to pay and kids to feed, so yes, earning money for the work that I do is important.

Product Reviews

When you are looking at buying something new. How many times have you gone to google first to read the reviews?

For many of us, it’s quite a lot. Whether it’s for a holiday, a hotel, a new set of trainers or you fancy trying out that new diet you keep seeing pop up.

We all want to know if it’s any good, if it’s the right product for you and worth spending your hard-earned money on.

As many countries are now living within a cost-of-living crisis, people are becoming even more selective when it comes to parting with their cash.

According to Statista “In 2021, nearly 70 per cent of online shoppers typically read between one and six customer reviews before making a purchasing decision. ”

People want to hear from real people and real experiences. With the rise of AI writing, I believe that this is where human writing will continue to hold its own. AI cannot compete with the human experience.

There is also the rise of User Generated Content (UCG) creators, there is also a tonne of really disingenuous what seem like reviews, but are actually paid adverts from influencers.

These are the video’s that usually pop up on my social media as ads. Now any time they do, I’m looking at the titles, the video’s and actually starting to take a deeper dive into the product itself and see if it’s a product that I too have an interest in reviewing.

If these products are showing up on my social media feed, they are likely showing up on my ideal clients too. In my business, I am my client avatar. A 40+ woman who is looking for all things health, wellness and weight loss.

There are a lot of products out there in this category, and not all of them are good. I have a never-ending stream of content to go at with this method.

I’m very intentional about using my own money to pay for products, I always want to give my honest opinion and review. If it’s something that I feel I would recommend, then I will use an affiliate link where possible but only if it’s something that I think is genuinely good and worth the investment.

These styles of articles are can take a long time to put together. I always want to fully test the product before completing the review. However, I feel it’s worth the time and money investment as this is evergreen content that will continue to keep bringing in new readers for years to come. I’m playing the long game with this strategy.

Monetisation will come through:

  • Ads placed on my website
  • Affiliate links for the good products
  • Eventual monetisation of my Youtube channel.
  • Sales of my own products and services. I’m new to blogging but not new to the wellness business.

I’m using this method to diversify and increase my income streams.

So if you want to test out this method too, then here is the exact step-by-step formula that is currently working for me as a beginner blogger.

I’ll share the steps that I took with a recent product review I did for a hormone-balancing supplement. This particular article is currently ranked at position number 10 on Google. Though it’s not my highest-ranking article, it's currently got a high search volume it’s gaining the most daily reads on my website.

1. Start With What You Already Know & Love

The easiest way to get started is to use the products you already know and love. You have years of experience using different products and lots of evidence or stories of why you choose to use them.

If it’s sold on Amazon you can sign up for an Amazon affiliates account and share from there. Or do a google search of the brand and see if they have their own affiliate programme.

2. Check The Search Volume & Competition

Some of the products that you already have may not have much search volume, or indeed, have so much that the competition is too high to get ranked. It’s about finding the sweet spot.

This is where it can be good to look for newer or emerging products. I have found that social media ads are a great place to look out for these.

Check google first and see what comes up when you type in the product name and look for keyword variations.

Screen Shot Of Google Search

Google will show you exactly what people are already typing into google and what terms they are commonly using.

From this drop down, I select the ones that fit best and then head over to Ubersuggest. I just use the free version, though am looking at upgrading to the paid option as you are limited to 3 searches per day.

Here, look for which variation has the highest search volume with the lowest competition.

Screen Show Of Uber Suggest Dashboard

This screenshot is a more recent search from when I created the article over a month ago. When I originally wrote this article the SEO Difficulty (SD) column was much lower. A good sign for me is that I got in early on this product and am already ranking as the competition is rising.

SD is how difficult it is to rank. The higher the number, the more difficult it is to rank for a new website with low domain authority.

Look for terms that have over 100 searches per month (volume column) and the green colour in the SD column indicates the terms that you could be more likely to rank for.

In the above example the keyword ‘happy mammoth hormone harmony amazon’ would be the best one to go for. Keeping in mind that you need your keyword to fit into your title and you don’t want to just stuff keywords in for the sake of it.

3 Write The Post

Here I just sit down, get to work and type. After I have tested it out of course, making notes over the time of the testing period.

I will include an intro about the product, what it is, who it’s for. Talk about my own experience explaining any pros or cons of the product and drawing any conclusions from my experience of using it.

4 Optimise For SEO

I use two tools to optimise my post

RankIQ (* this is an affiliate link, but a great tool that I have found to be extremely helpful as a beginner) — This is my favourite tool as it takes out a lot of the guesswork. You can add your exact keyword into the content tool and it will create a report giving you all of the sub keywords that should be included in your article.

Rank IQ Content Targets

It will give a recommended grading score, suggested word count, a list of keywords that need to be included and examples of content that is currently ranking for this exact search term.

Inside RankIQ Reports
Title Ideas From RankIQ
What’s Currently Ranking RankIQ

Once I have written my article, I then copy and paste it into Rank IQ’s content optimiser and it will show me which keywords are missing. I then edit my post adding in the keywords in places that it’s relevant, whilst also making sure I hit or get close to the word count suggestion.

With reviews, it’s really easy to hit a high word count if you are doing a full and honest review.

Yoast SEO — This a free plugin I have added to my WordPress website. This checks that the keyword is featured in the title, meta description, on image descriptions and in your article.

It also shows you readability and analyses for SEO optimisation. I don’t use this as an exact science, but more of a guide to make sure I’m scoring well on as much as possible. As this one shows that the readability isn’t good and SEO is only ok, but this article is still ranking. Remember I’m a beginner and still a work in progress.

Screen Shot Of Yoast SEO Tool

5. Repurpuse


I like writing my articles first. But then this also gives me a script which I can turn into a Youtube video and embed into my blog.

Having a video on youtube can help your article rank (not forgetting that Youtube is owned by Google), but the video itself is ranking at position number 10.

And let’s not forget that some people skip google and go straight to Youtube to search for things.

My video which is the blog post repurposed as a video is getting around 50 views a day and currently stands at over 2k views in a month. Again this is relatively small, but it’s a lot more than my other videos and is growing my Youtube channel as it’s brought in 24 new subscribers to my small channel.

As I continue to create more of these I can anticipate that this will help to grow my account and subscribers even faster. I have a goal of finally monetising my Youtube account this year.

A lot of people use Youtube as their first port of call for search. 50% of the views on this video are coming direct from people searching within Youtube and this video is now directing some people back to my website.


I also republish my reviews onto Medium. Though they don’t do as well for internal reads, I use it for its high domain authority (95). These articles show higher on google search and get external reads.

I also embed my video’s in these articles which leads to more views and often links people back to my website.

Medium Article Stats Screen Shot

This is from my Glucose Goddess review article. And this article still earnt over $168 but you can see most views are coming from searches after the initial peak.


Now have also just started utilising TikTok as I have been noticing that TikTok video’s are now also showing up in google search.

Author Screenshot From Google Search

For the search term ‘Happy Mammoth Hormoney Harmony Review’, my actual blog post is currently ranking at position number 10. But my TikTok video which you can see in the image (that is me on the left) is ranking first of the TikTok video’s. This is showing up on page 1 of google and within the top 1/2 of the page.

It should also be noted that I also repurpose this same video to Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest also. Though they are not ranking through search. When you have created a piece of content it’s worth just posting it everywhere you can.

I use an app called TokVideo to remove the TikTok watermark before publishing it to other platforms.

This just means my face is now showing up in many places when people are using this search term.

Moving Forward

So it’s great that I’m starting to get some traction and organic views to my site. But it is still relatively small in the grand scheme of the internet, but as I write more review articles the views are starting to compound.

Like I said earlier I’m playing the long game rather than the quick hits.

I’m very conscious that I want to be very honest in my reviews but I do want to start using affiliate links to help increase the revenue I can generate from this style of article.

I want to do this in an authentic way, without being a sell out. I will only ever share the things that I genuinely believe in and would use and buy myself.

I’m currently signed up with a few affiliate sites though haven’t really had much uptake aside from Amazon Associates, it’s a work in progress.

I also want people to opt into my email list. This has been slower than I would have hoped, so I may need to look at optimising my opt in page. But with more traffic will hopefully come more opt in’s as I build my audience, gain trust and sell more of my own products too.

I hope sharing this strategy was helpful to you too. Do you currently write product reviews? What’s been working for you? I’d love to hear your experience and/or insight.

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