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Content Creation:

7 Amazing Proven Ways to Easily Increase Profits

Plus Prospects & Publicity, and an Amazing Profitable Case Study

Photo by Patrick Hendry on Unsplash

After 15 years of building my online businesses with content marketing I can say this with complete confidence:

Creating content and repurposing content is the fastest way to get results in any niche!

Now here are 7 reasons to back me up:

1) Content will quickly position you as an expert in your field.

The written word is incredibly powerful. Writing articles sets you apart from your competition. You never have to say “Listen to me, I’m an expert!” Your articles do that for you, because articles increase your “expert-ability.”

2) Content can become little 24/7 salespeople.

Once you have an article published, especially on the internet, you now have a 24 hour, 7 day a week, 365 day a year international salesperson working specifically for you and your business.

One that never gets sick, comes in cranky, or asks for a raise.

3) Just one article can be used in many ways.

This is called leveraged repurposing. Just one article can be used as a free report, a bonus, featured in a newsletter, become part of an online e-course, become part of a book, and many other ways.

4) Content spreads the word about your business and your services.

One article that I wrote many years ago was recently used in one of my internet newsletters. A newspaper reporter that is on my mailing list saw it and interviewed me for a story. When he pitched it to his editor, the editor liked it so much that they turned it into a feature article. They ran it on the front page of the paper, and it was picked up and run across the country.

5) Marketing Content is simple, easy and inexpensive, especially when compared to other ways of marketing online.

It costs you nothing to write an article. It also costs you nothing to have it published on Medium.com and in publications like Illumination. Imagine what it would cost you to pay for that kind of exposure and publicity.

6) Content can help you build a list community that you can serve over and over again.

Once you have a few articles out there, you will reach a certain critical mass where the prospects begin to flow in. Continue to grow past the critical mass, and you will grow to the point where you could not stop the traffic and prospects flowing in if you wanted to.

And I guarantee you won’t want it stop it ;-)

7) Content allows you to stay in touch with customers/clients and sell more products and resources.

We know that it can take from 5 to 8 contacts or more for new prospect to be ready to become a customer. Articles allow you to stay in touch with prospects and provide them with quality information.

Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

BONUS Cast Study: The Power of Just One Article

Heads Up: This section was written over 15 years ago when I was still a counseling psychologist in private practice, while trying to figure out this internet thing.

Does everything in it still apply today?


And it’s even better than that:

Online it’s 100x more powerful and effective!

Let’s get going:

Back in 1998 I wrote an article on “The Care and Feeding of Parents.” It went into our local paper and then out to other papers all over the country and all over the world for distribution.

I really did not give it much thought until recently when I posted it to EzineArticles.com and then used it in my Parenting Your Teenager newsletter.

A reporter that I have worked with for some time is on my newsletter mailing list and he really liked the article. He interviewed me for a piece he was doing on parents and teens, and then pitched it to his editor.

His editor liked it so much they made a feature story on it and ran it on page one of the Living section. It has since been picked up by newspapers all across the country and all over the world.

Here are just a few of the immediate benefits of this one article:

1. I’m getting calls from papers all over the country wanting to do further interviews on the subject.

2. Each time the full article is run, my name and contact information is mentioned at least 10 times, sometimes more.

3. Countless new subscribers and customers.

4. A teleseminar based on the article is in the works.

5. An ebook and CD series based on the article is in the works.

There is no way to measure the long term benefits.

All this from one article.

If you have not already stopped reading to get going, then get going.

Get creating content!

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