avatarFelishia La-Shae


5 Truths About Living With Cats

Cats really aren’t as bad as the reputation they’ve gained.

Author’s cats, Cornelius (left) and Patton (right)

I get a lot of mixed signals when speaking on the topic of cats. The matter is always black or white. People typically really love them or they can’t stand them. I’m not here to judge anyone on what they believe. Everyone likes what they like. However, I would like to share my perspective on being a cat owner. It doesn’t even feel right saying “cat owner”. Not because they own me, but I don’t consider them pets. They are family to me.

Cats have gained this reputation as being temperamental and mean. There are some people, like one of my brothers, that assume they are always out to get them. My cat walks by and my brother is completely on guard. He doesn’t get that my cats can feel his guardedness. It makes them uncomfortable. They feel like they have to be on guard now, too. You have to understand that cats are a product of their owner and the environment that they are raised in. A cat that is loved and well taken care of will be a lot nicer than a cat that is mistreated.

With all this being said, here it is:

5 Truths About Living With Cats

  1. It’s not a lie. They can be assholes.

I love my cats. I would fight anyone for my cats. However, they are not always the most pleasant creatures. It’s not that they are mean. They just do stuff that is severely irritating sometimes. The larger of my two cats, Patton, opens all the cabinet doors in the bathrooms and kitchen. Why? I have no fricking clue. Cornelius, the small of my two cats, likes to tightrope the flat screens. Why? No clue. It does cause some panic in my household. Cornelius also claims the Christmas tree as his home during the holidays. He climbs it, bends the branches by laying on them and chews on the pine needles.

Cornelius Christmas 2020

Patton is a kleptomaniac. He steals everything: bobby pins, hair ties, coins, buttons, small candy and anything he can carry with his mouth. I still have yet to find where he stashes it all.


2. They have their own unique personalities.

I know what you’re thinking. Felishia, it’s just a cat. Not exactly. You see both of my cats are very different. Patton is super affectionate and talks ALL THE TIME. Cornelius chooses when he wants attention and then how he will receive the attention. Patton will make you pay attention to him. He will reach out his furry gremlin paws and tap your arm until you pet him. Patton is also scared of anyone but those than live in my household. He is 17lb and he’s not what you would consider a fat cat. He is simply big. A gentle giant. He loves anything on a string and destroys all of Cornelius’s poofies. Cornelius has severe anxiety. He is always welcoming to people who are calm and reserved. He is not the cat you run into the room excited to pet him. He will hiss at you. He will let you know if he’s a fan of you or not. Cornelius is also my leach. He wants to be where ever I am. He gets sad if he doesn’t see me for a while. They are totally different.


3. The cat dimension exists.

You are probably wondering what in the hell a cat dimension is. Well, I am here to tell you. Cat owners will understand what I’m about to explain. There is this look in your cats eyes before they dart off like a bullet or jump in the air. Its the look right before they attack their prey. It’s their crazy eyes. I like to call it the cat dimension because I’ve never seen any other animal in this state. Not only do they enter this state, but they can remain there for a while. Cornelius’s usually begins with a look and then he bolts around the room, on and off furniture at lightning speed. He does this when you play with him, but also, for no reason at all. Patton’s happen a lot less. He’s a pretty calm cat most of the time. His normally start with a strange meow, a jump in the air and then he takes off into some area of the house. Why? I have no clue. I enjoy watching it though.

4. They lay on EVERYTHING.

This is probably one of the most stressful and funny aspects of living with cats. You could literally set a piece of paper on the desk and they will walk over and sit directly onto that piece of paper. I’m not sure why. They also will lay in your laundry. They will lay on the book you are trying to read and they will do whatever they can to avert your attention to them.

Cornelius gets jealous of anything else that I do

5. I could not imagine my life without my cats.

My life would be drastically different without my cats. When I was in the deepest part of my depression, I cried in their fur. They loved me without judgement. They comfort me when I am sad and they provide endless amounts of entertainment. They are the first ones to greet me when I come home and the last I see before I go to sleep.

I know people claim that dogs are a human’s best friend, but I feel as if this is just one of many perspectives. Cats require less and are more independent. They don’t need constant love. However, there is always a chance that you could form a connection like I have with my cats. They have the same independence as other cats, but they a little extra personality. I would like to think I encouraged and allowed it to grow.

Cats are assholes, but they are my favorite kind.

Be Open Says;

Felishia Lashae
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