avatarLucian Ioan Chirilă


The article discusses the author's personal experience with gaming addiction, particularly with League of Legends, and lists 30 signs that may indicate such an addiction.


The author confesses to a deep engagement with gaming, specifically League of Legends, revealing a pattern of behavior that suggests a gaming addiction. This addiction manifests in various ways, including prioritizing gaming over sleep, personal relationships, and household responsibilities. The author admits to feeling negative emotions when not playing and when experiencing losses in-game. The article also provides a list of signs that could help readers self-identify a potential gaming addiction, such as neglecting real-life rewards, feeling bored without gaming, and experiencing anger or depression due to gaming outcomes. The author emphasizes the importance of setting limits on gaming and engaging in diverse activities to combat addiction, advocating for games to be a source of relaxation rather than a detrimental lifestyle choice.


  • The author acknowledges their gaming habits as a form of addiction, especially when it interferes with their well-being and responsibilities.
  • There is a recognition of the negative impact of gaming on personal relationships, including with the author's family.
  • The author suggests that the pursuit of in-game rewards can overshadow the pursuit of real-life achievements.
  • The article implies that gaming addiction can lead to self-neglect, as evidenced by the mention of personal hygiene and health.
  • The author believes that gaming should be a leisure activity rather than an all-consuming habit.
  • There is an acknowledgment that gaming addiction is a widespread issue, not limited to the author's experience.
  • The author plans to address the broader topic of gaming addiction in future writings.

30 Signs You Are Addicted To Gaming

Some are from my experience

Image generated with A.I.

I want to write this article as a part of my confession regarding my gaming experience/addiction.

I like to play games a lot. I mean I like to play League of Legends a lot. Because I only play this game. I used to play more and different games when I was in high school. But years have passed since then.

So, am I addicted to gaming?

First, let’s clarify that I have never been in the situation of the guy from the image above.

Second, if you think that playing 2–3 League of Legends matches almost every day is an addiction, then yes, I am addicted.

But I like to say that it depends.

There are times when I don't play at all, other times when I play a few games, and times when my brain cries because it needs sleep. So, I am addicted when I am in the last case.

And I hate myself when I am there.

But this is another story!

For now,

What signs show you have a gaming addiction?

  1. Going to sleep very late, only because you want to play more.
  2. Feeling bored if you don’t play at least one game.
  3. You say you need to play first so you can do something.
  4. Continue to play even though you are on a losing streak.
  5. Striving a lot for gaming rewards, but not for real-life rewards.
  6. Consuming yourself because of the losses.
  7. Losing some games in a row makes you angry.
  8. Fighting with your family because of gaming is something that happens daily.
  9. You don’t pick up the phone when your wife is calling you.
  10. Kids are crying but you don’t even bother to move from your chair.
  11. That water pipe needs to be fixed. Your wife told you about it a few months ago.
  12. It’s a huge effort for you to choose between staying home and going out with your family.
  13. Happiness is all over your face when your wife is telling you she’s going to visit her mother.
  14. Friends is a strange word for you.
  15. Your kids want to play with you but they don’t have any box rewards for you.
  16. Red Bull and Coke are your favorite drinks.
  17. You uninstall the game, but you reinstall it the next day.
  18. Lying people about the time you spend on gaming.
  19. You feel bad when you don’t have time to play games.
  20. You don’t want to admit you are depressed.
  21. It’s hard for you to admit you are addicted to gaming.
  22. Actually, you don’t even think about it.
  23. You talk a lot about your game.
  24. You get very enthusiastic when you have discovered something new in the game.
  25. Every day you feel tired.
  26. You wake up, but you still need sleep.
  27. The water bill is cheaper than last month.
  28. And your deodorant is untouched.
  29. You don’t have a problem with money, but your wife does.
  30. You exercise only when you make yourself comfortable on the chair.

Did you find yourself in any of these?

I think most of them are not available only for gaming but for every addiction.

Gaming addiction is a real problem nowadays.

But I will keep this for another article!

For now, I think having a limit over the gaming sessions and involving in other activities different from games, are ways to overcome this addiction.

Games should be a moment of relaxation and detachment, not a bad lifestyle.

What do you think about this article? Let me know in the comments below and please clap if you liked it. When I clap for the others, I like to do it 50 times. Maybe you like it too. :D

Thanks for reading!

League of Legends
Self Improvement
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