

3 Ways to Tell Your Pain and Suffering Is Making You Stronger

“What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” is often said with good reason

Photo by the author found on her Link Tree. The clipart is by PhotoGraceArt.

You Brush Off Unconstructive Criticism

People who don’t have your best interest at heart won’t give you constructive criticism. Constructive criticism uplifts and brings you insight. No one giving you constructive criticism will be calling you rude names. Those giving you constructive criticism will have faith in you.

Those who hurl insults at you may be jealous of your success. Bullies can’t stand those who dare be what they fear to put the effort into becoming. They also fear what they don’t understand.

But you have that sense of understanding.

You embrace all kinds of love and light, even the unconventional. You may even be unconventional yourself.

The love and light for you may be a church, meditation, prayer, yoga, tarot, and many other things. You’ve discovered what gives your heart solace and that’s what matters.

You know that evil has no home in these places. They help give you the shield to let the nay-sayers’ comments bounce off of you.

Negative people want to use those who radiate light as a punching bag. There is no need for you to take in vitriol.

You know that what words you let enter your mind shape your reality. The time to let love in is now.

You Don’t Waste Your Time Moping

You know that sitting around and feeling sorry for yourself can only get you so far.

You are still meant to work out your feelings. It could be creating with your words, aerobic exercise, or another artistic outlet. The list of options is huge. But you know that emotions are not to consume you.

Negative emotions are to be expressed in a healthy way, which you’ve already found.

To make your dreams come true actions are being taken.

Moping doesn’t lead to changing your reality for the better. If you plant the seeds for manifestation they will grow and flourish. They may not always happen how you expect, but what grows will be positive.

You keep on moving when faced with adversity. You have faith in the angels and our creator. They will not let you sink. Like the wise words from Dori,” Just keep swimming.”

You Don’t Make the Same Mistakes

You may have repeated a mistake in the past and as much as it hurts, sometimes this is necessary for you to learn.

We all make mistakes and perfection does not exist.

You are aware other mistakes may happen in your life under different circumstances. And that’s okay.

It could have been that some of the mistakes were not your own fault. We may have agreed to them in our soul contract before we were born. Much of our life’s difficulties are in our soul contract. Sometimes, hardship is a part of the learning process. Our past challenges will all make sense someday.

There is always room for growth. And you’re more than happy to keep on growing.

You are grateful for the knowledge you’ve gained from your errors.

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