avatarAmanda APS and Bill Tabone APS


Our Life Soul Contract

What is a life soul contract?

A life soul contract is an agreement with our soul and those who exist on a higher spiritual plane and govern the afterlife.

Our personalised life soul contract includes our spirit guides our parents and family, friends and those who come into our life for long and short periods of time.

We carefully map out where we will be born and on what date. Our birthdate and birth numbers are very significant especially in numerology with our life soul contract. We are immortal beings having a spiritual experience here on earth, and when our shell dies we return to the universe as spiritual consciousness, or our soul.

When we decide or we are told to reincarnate and come back to earth again (for the first time or the 1000th time) we make a life soul contract a plan on what kind of experiences we wish to learn. Most importantly, all our experiences we have in this life; we need to understand why each experience is happening and what we are meant to learn from them, to deepen our souls knowledge. To enrich ourselves and our lives.

I call it a “life soul contract”, but there are many different names used in spiritual circles: soul agreements, prebirth planning contracts, soul contracts, spiritual contracts, a divine blueprint, destiny contracts, fate contracts, sacred contracts, and so on.

Many mediums, spiritualists and paranormal researchers that have been around like myself for along time are aware of our life soul contract. There are many in the field like myself who teach people to understand what we have forgotten from our preplanning stages before conception.

We know that our life is predestined, but not everything is set in concrete. Sudden changes can sometimes happen in our life soul contract for the better or sometimes sadly for the worse.

Remembering our life soul contracts:

Our memory upon birth is erased, everything is stored away in our DNA and in our subconscious. We have to unlock the key we were given, and find our purpose, through our doorways here on the earth plane.

As a child, I always had contact with spirit. I had a deep understanding of knowing that there was life after death even from a very young age.

You have to go back to your roots throughout time on earth to remember who we are, what’s our souls purpose is, our spiritual purpose, and our spiritual path.

So what does our life soul contract mean for us?

This is a great question Bill and myself always get asked.

A life soul contract means we agree to choose our family, friends and experiences here on earth. Those who govern the afterlife agree what we plan to do here on earth. What lessons we need to learn this time around. Not just learn but fully understand our lessons.

Predestined (adj): an outcome or course of events (determined in advance by divine will or fate)

Can I change my life soul contact:

Yes, you can most definitely can change as life and circumstances change.

There are clauses and exit points in our life soul contracts, but don’t forget that we are human we also have free “will.”

I have believed this since childhood that life is like a “gypsy”, meaning a nomadic or free-spirited person, that roams. Life is exactly like a gypsy that roams and take us from place to place; it’s not set in concrete. You can rewrite your life soul contract as you go along with life’s journey.

Sometimes with life’s sudden changes, it empowers us for a more fulfilling and loving adventure and life soul contract fulfilment. Like watering a sick plant and watching it become well again and grow into a healthy strong plant.

But sometimes these changes, and directions we can take aren’t that great, and sometimes we can became sick – mentally, physically and spiritually.

You can rewrite your life soul contract as you go along with life’s journey. Sometimes, with life’s sudden changes, it empowers us for a more fulfilling and loving adventure and life soul contract fulfilment. Like watering a sick plant and watching it become well again and grow into a healthy strong plant.

⬇️Soul agreements and renegotiations:

Soul agreements aren’t intended to be too restrictive or set in stone; they are based on the belief that “free choice” is attached to human life.

Contractually speaking, it may be believed that soul agreements have built-in “out clauses.” Because one’s best-made plans and goals don’t always work out in life, neither do larger spiritual goals. The spiritual being doesn’t always have the realistic mentality that incarnated humans are faced with on a daily basis.

Soul agreements are often renegotiated behind the scenes throughout a lifetime to adjust to situations that disrupt the original ideological scenarios.

Exit points the forbidden subject on Suicide: Amanda’s views.

Mediums spiritualist and paranormal researchers call these exit points. I have had many afterlife conversations with my friend (who took his own life), and he has told me “there are anywhere between 3–5 exit points in our life soul contract for every lifetime.”

Exiting points in our life soul contract:

Exit clauses, as they’re called. In preconception, people include exit points in their life soul contract.

I’ve lost several friends to suicide over the last 25 years. Sometimes we come to the end of our journey exhausted, frustrated, and emotionally fed up to the point it’s affecting our entire existence on earth.

I myself have unfortunately been here at that crossroads several times in my life. I understand this better than I care to admit. I understand and feel this so personally and deeply that it resonates with my very being.

Some people just don’t want to continue. As much as suicide affects those of us left behind, we have to understand that suicide was their personal choice. As much as it breaks us.

Some people just don’t see the light anymore; their personal flame has extinguished. As much as we try to show them the light they’re tired in their mind, body and soul. Some of these people checked out along time ago before suicide. It’s hard to come back from the darkness. This has happened to me, but I was lucky enough to find the light again. Unfortunately, many don’t.

Most educated spiritualists, mediums, and paranormal researchers will tell you that there is no punishment on the other side for ending your life, but there IS a healing facility like a hospital on the other side, that spends a lot of time with troubled souls who have taken their life early or died in horrendous circumstances”.

Some souls are in shock and need deep spiritual healing from afterlife healers and angels for them to go into the next phase of the afterlife, or before they can reincarnate again on earth. Time on the other side doesn’t exist the same as time here on earth.

Sometimes our life is taken before our time; a person could have been murdered or had a tragic road accident etc. They need time to heal. There is no punishment of fire and hell, as a lot of man made religions would like you to think and believe.

Every soul goes home, but in saying that there are certain preparations and education needed regarding the persons healing and return to earth depending on their life that they’ve lived here on earth. So if you’ve lost a loved one to suicide, please rest easy knowing that they are being taken care of.

Many years ago, several of my friends took their lives tragically, at separate times several years apart. The physical pain they were in was unbearable. They had sadly lost direction and focus on life, their lives had changed paths and directions quickly, their mind couldn’t cope, in life’s fast shifting pace.

Drugs had become a daily coping mechanism for them, in that they’d lost sight of the importance of their lives and the importance that they meant so much to so many others including me.

The drugs had destroyed their inner light, their inner peace, and they were operating daily life on extremely low vibrations frequencies, so they had decided to take their own lives.

My friends had chosen to exit this life early that they’d had no more that they’d wish to learn from this life this time around.

I believe their soul decided long ago before birth that they had included a life soul contract with several exit plans built in at certain stages of their life soul contract.

Reviewing suicide death as a larger plan of learning in that life (an early or mid-contract exit point); it could become a part of a person’s life soul contract from the very beginning.

I’ve helped many grieving people who have lost loved ones due to suicide and road accidents. Death is our last lesson we learn before we go home. So I believe death is our biggest lesson in life.

I’ve had many people ask me, “will my child have a karmic debt?”

As I gently explain to people in our afterlife conversation research; my friend Jesse who I have many afterlife conversations with who took his life many years ago explains it to me like this: to send a person who was broken, and mentally and physically exhausted back to earth to reincarnate as a karmic punishment is not true, and it’s cruel.

The true meaning of karmic debt:

In the case where someone is a serial murderer, child murderer, serial rapists, etc:

Yes, they do have Karmick debt, due to the impact they’ve had on their victims lives by robbing them of a life and their victims family robbing them of their loved ones life.

This is totally different to a troubled soul who took their life. They ended their life through daily torment, so the last thing they’d need is to pay off bad karma. They’ve punished themselves enough.

On the other hand, if the person took their life and they were a serial murderer, or a rapist, etc to avoid justice then yes they do have Karmic debt-that’s a totally different circumstances as Jesse tells me.

Modifying Your Soul Contract:

Before spending copious amounts on a psychics, Mediums, or spiritual gurus, please read my article on how to connect with your spirit guides.

How To Connect With Our Spirit Guides.

You can ask your guides to help rewrite your soul contract through meditation.

It can be rewritten to help you experience a more fulfilling life soul contract. If you feel tired of doing the same thing over and over and find life frustrating, or you’ve become depressed and stuck, this is a perfect way for you to rewrite your goals and life lessons and give you back your life and enjoyment that you wish to fulfil.

When you finally connect to your guides and a higher power to change your life soul contract, you will start to observe coincidences occurring over and over, giving you a better life making the pieces of the puzzle fit together perfectly. You will also notice when you feel better in yourself, and you will start to attract some incredible experiences into your life.

⬇️Synchronicity (German: Synchronizität is a concept, first introduced by analytical psychologist Carl Jung, which holds that events are “meaningful coincidences,” if they occur with no causal relationship yet seem to be meaningfully related.During his career, Jung furnished several different definitions of it

If you’re finding it difficult to connect with your guides for whatever reason see a spiritual specialist.

Changing contracts via dreams:

This is an easy way to rewrite life soul contracts. If you have visitation from loved ones in dreams you can always ask them to help with negotiations through dreamvisitation messages. These visitation dreams will often bd extreme in nature, and very different to ordinary dreams.

You need to be very clear in what it is you hope to achieve. Love, marriage, children, education, or a higher purpose for yourself etc. Learn these techniques prior to going to a spiritual specialist, as it’s not a cheap experience and it could take many visits which can unfortunately be costly.

Our analysis on this subject has been the research and life’s work of Amanda and William APS, Director at Australian Paranormal Society, with over 21 years working together with afterlife communications.

⬇️How do they choose which point to take?

It depends on the trajectory of that souls path in physical life. Things change in our life paths as we shift to make decisions, choose options and grow.But the souls plan for the physical life is the guiding force in a lifetime. It will choose the circumstances to leave life that best suit it’s life plan.

For example, I met a young man in Spirit who had died at a young age from an overdose. He came through to explain that no one was responsible for that choice except for him.

He also said that even if he had not died that particular way, he would have died in another circumstance within a year or so of his actual death.

His soul had decided beforehand the goals and lessons for his life and it had chosen the exit that was appropriate for his life circumstances. When he had done what he came to do, his soul called it quits and left.

It may seem like a tragic young death to us, but that was not how his soul viewed it. The soul had accomplished what it came to do and it was a clear decision to leave. The soul viewed the physical death of that body as part of its larger plan.

But the soul’s plan for the physical life is the guiding force in a lifetime. It will choose the circumstances to leave life that best suit it’s life plan.

⬇️What is a Soul Contract Reading?

A Soul Contract Reading uses the sounds of your birth name to reveal the life plan that was specifically designed just for you. The system is based upon an amazingly accurate form of ancient numerology called the Spiritual Numerology of Moses.

In this system, the sound of your birth name is translated into the equivalent Hebrew sound and subsequently converted into numbers which are

When reduced, the resulting numbers reveal a unique code which can be interpreted as your Soul Contract.

There are thousands of articles on the net and YouTube videos regarding soul contracts if you wish to research this subject further. Always keep an open mind.

The End

Written By Amanda Wright-Tabone

Copyright © Amanda Wright-Tabone

Edited by Emily Tabone

(pleased not copy and part of this work without explcity permission from the author)


⬇️ Spiritual plane (EsotericScience.org)

⬇️ Soul Agreements and Pre-Birth Life Planning (LearningReligions.com)

⬇️ Soul Contract Reading (ThekindredSoul.info)

Spirituality on Wikipedia

Spirit guide on Rational Wiki

Signs That You May Be An Earth Angel And Not Even Know It (Enlightened-Consciousness.com)

Synchronicity on Wikipedia


Predestined (adj): an outcome or course of events (determined in advance by divine will or fate)

⬇️Gypsy ˈdʒɪpsi/ (noun): a nomadic or free-spirited person. “Why should she choose to wander the world with a penniless gypsy like me?”

spiritualist ˈspɪrɪtʃ(ʊ)əlɪst, ˈspɪrɪtjʊəlɪst (noun): a person who believes that the spirits of the dead can communicate with living people.

Emily Tabone APS Editor

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Amanda APS is a paranormal researcher and writer, sensitive, medium, empath, and healer with over 30 years of experience. She is the founder of Haunted Old And Beautiful, and co-founder of Australian Paranormal Society, and World’s Beyond TV.

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Written by Amanda APS

Haunted, Old and Beautiful

Amanda APS-The Raw Paranormal Writer-Australian Paranormal Society

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