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Profitable Email Marketing Tips

3 Profitable Reasons to Email Often

NOT the same old same old reasons…

Photo by Onlineprinters on Unsplash

During our last episode on profitable email marketing you discovered 4 essential parts of a profitable email. You can still catch it here.

Today you’ll discover 3 profitable reasons to send email often. Let’s get started:

Let’s first answer that question screaming in your mind:

“How often is often Jeff?”

Good question.

I email for the reasons you’ll see below. I know some people who email 2x a day. Others 2–3 times a week. Anything less than once a week people will begin to forget about you, which surprisingly, leads to more unsubs than emailing daily.

And now those 3 reasons:

Profitable Reason 1: Your community WANTS to hear from you.

Your best customers, the people who want to work with you, want to hear from you. They didn’t sign up because the pool was closed. They signed up so you could help them take their next success steps.

When you send helpful emails that help them take their next success steps, they love hearing from you and will await your next email.

Profitable Reason 2: Your fortune and future are in the follow up

The good news about follow up is it’s quite easy to do. More good news is most people don’t do it or don’t do it well. Which leaves room for you to shine.

Email is a great way to follow up. Ask your subscribers what they struggle with and then help them with it.

Profitable Reason 3: The more offers you make the greater difference and profit you make

When you have the next success steps to help people solve their problems then you have an obligation to offer them their next success steps. You make a greater difference and a greater profit when you do this.

Pro Tip: This is why it’s crucial to email regularly and often. Your subscribers will get used to hearing from you and clicking on your links

The $1 email marketing course: That’s right, you get to choose your price, as low as $1 for our mini-course “Fill In the Blanks Email Profits.” You’ll get fill in the blanks custom genius template for your email subject line, email body, email call to action, and email PS. You’ll get your emails opened more often and your links clicked on more often. Get started here.

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash
Email Marketing
Email Marketing Tips
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