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3 Obvious Signs That You Are on the Union Path on Your Twin Flame Journey.

Guidance series on the path to Twin Flame Union

Photo by Efe Ersoy at Pexels

I have felt a very strong energy entering me since the beginning of January. It felt like more restlessness than usual, but I realized it was to elevate myself to a higher version of myself. Unfortunately, understanding something going on inside you is sometimes not enough to not be afraid of energy. Our consciousness must merge with the change in our hearts.

I was afraid of this new and powerful energy within me, and I rejected it. Rejecting this energy opened the door to a powerful night again. I felt again that doubtful pain that I had not felt in a long time. It was love that came, and I was again afraid of love's great and sublime energy.

I realized that this energy could also be a union energy wave. Since the beginning of 2023, I have cleared a lot of traumas and blocked thoughts within myself. I was so close to the energy of completely merging with myself that I felt as clearly as my flesh and bones that I had a soul and an energy inside my body. The compassion I felt for myself was so strong.

I needed to make more room for love inside of me. Even though I broke my patterns of being afraid of love every day, I could not keep my feelings stable in this great union of energy. I was either getting very hot inside or suddenly turning into ice again. Union energy was truly unlike any energy I had ever thought of. It was a state of eternal peace and love. But there was still a part of me that was suspicious and wanted chaos. That’s why I made the mistake of following my ego and moving away from this union energy.

Being afraid of this beautiful energy was like a sum of both my anxious (fear of loss) and avoidant (urge not to connect) characteristics. If a traumatic part of you is still alive, it tells you that you do not deserve the good things given to you and that believing in good things will make you sadder. My higher self reached out to me within a few days after I succumbed to the intense feeling of fear that tried to convince me that I would be hurt if I gave up now rather than going all the way.

This was truly something I had never felt this before. My higher self gave me some warnings in his delicate voice. These sentences were not things I liked very much, but they did not scare me or disturb me at all. On the contrary, it showed me what I was doing wrong. It was a terrible thing not to fight for the love in my heart. I stood up again with the delicate nudging of my higher self. And I realized that no matter what, all I have to do is love myself first and then my twin flame.

Then I reflected on my experiences over the previous two months. I reviewed my notes and discovered that the union symptoms did not evoke a sense of eternal peace. To get to Union, we did not have to eliminate all internal troubles, but we had to unite a clearer and more determined mind-heart-soul trio by accepting our problems.

Union Energy pays us visits on our journey based on our progress. We frequently resist this energy because some aspects of ourselves remain disconnected. This time, I truly opened my eyes and witnessed the dance of energy within me. I expressed a strong desire to be complete with myself. I don’t want to cause myself any more pain.

Here’s how you can understand that union energy has come into you (we should not forget that the effects vary from person to person).

1. Your frequency changes.

On an ordinary day or in an ordinary setting, you may experience a calm and quiet wave of peace within you. Alternatively, you may feel as if a wave of fear has hit you. How do you react? If you changed your energy, you would not be triggered and would behave differently than before. You are aware that this negative thought or feeling is a teacher attempting to test you. If your reactions to triggers change, it means you’re aligning with your essence rather than rejecting internal and external union energy.

2. Your confidence in the connection increases

As your trust in the twin flame connection increases, you stop being afraid of losing your twin flame. Being united in this union of energy within you meant understanding that you were never separated from your twin flame. We were just more attached to physical conditions, events, and everything tangible. Our attachment to the physical developed directly from our fear of loss.

When I realize that my twin flame is with me everywhere and I enter into this love unconditionally and effortlessly, I realize that I no longer need to do anything. Twin flame energy means trusting ourselves. I am confident because I am strong and my twin flame has that strength and will. This trust proves to me that I am on the right track and that physical separation is no longer painful.

3. You don’t feel like you’re separate from your twin flame

This automatically removes the energy of missing my twin flame. Longing is also a feeling that creates an illusion. Here we know that longing is feeling the desire for something that we cannot have at the moment. But if we feel within ourselves that we are one with our twin flame, we will see that longing simply turns into intense love. The great twin flame love within us can appear to us as a variety of emotions.

These are triggers in disguise. Twin flame love seems to me sometimes like fear, sometimes anxiety, sometimes excitement, and sometimes a great longing. But I know that they all come from one source. This is the twin flame energy itself. Only twin flame energy is processed within us according to our vibration level. I choose to process this energy in a way that benefits me. And I do this consciously.

Twin Flames — The Journey to the Higher Self book is out!

If you need more guidance on the Twin Flame journey, you can access our book and other products from this link. If you like my articles and want to support me, you can contribute to my articles by buying me a coffee

Hi, I’m Bensu. I write about the mind, hard feelings, and self-love. If you enjoyed my articles about surpassing yourself and achieving your dreams. Thank you for taking the time to read my article.

Twin Flame
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