avatarLisa Martens


You’re not allowed to just want his body.

Photo by Anastase Maragos on Unsplash

You’re not allowed to just want his body. Do you want people to call you shallow? Don’t you want to peer into his soul and resolve his trauma instead?

You’re not allowed to just want his body. Don’t you want to cook for him, take care of him, have his kids?

It’s unnatural for you to just want his body. That’s not how women are made. That’s not how women are built. You’re either lying and you’re in love with him, deep down, or you’re just unnatural.

How could you want him for just his body? How could you be no better than a man? Lust makes you disgusting.

How could you want him for just his body? Are you on birth control? Do you have your own money? Were you corrupted by college? I just don’t understand this.

You must want him because his tight body and square face indicate good genes and fertility. I have to tie your desire to procreation even if you’re popping birth control pills like tictacs.

I have to figure it out. How could you want him purely for his body? How is this possible? I have to analyze your desire, transform it, make it palatable for myself.

Your pleasure is an anomaly, an aberration, that I will dissect, judge, criticize, rationalize. Your body’s pleasure makes no evolutionary sense, which makes your whole existence a mistake.

You’re not allowed to just want his body; you’re not allowed to want to run your fingers down his back, his strong arms. You’re not allowed to look at his hands or listen to his sighs. You’re not allowed to lick his stomach or bite those muscles on the side of his ribcage.

You’re not allowed to just want his body — This causes me fury, it’s something to legislate, it’s the fall of our society, and you don’t understand the urgency.

You think it’s all fun and games!

You’re over here misunderstanding the situation, so carefree, acting like my ego isn’t at stake.

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