avatarJamen Mendes


The article suggests that thoughts and ideas do not belong to individuals, but are part of a universal source that can be manipulated and entrained by others.


The article titled "Your Thoughts are Not Yours!" proposes that thoughts are not personal creations, but rather vibrations that exist in the universe and are accessible to all. The author argues that individuals are merely antennae receiving these thought/emotional vibrations from the universe, and that we are not creating the thoughts themselves. The article further suggests that those who understand how to manipulate thoughts and emotions can put thoughts into people's heads and dominate them. The author encourages readers to consider whose ideas they are functioning on, what language they are speaking, and whose money they are using, as these factors can indicate who is dominating their thoughts.


  • The author believes that thoughts and emotions are not personal creations, but rather vibrations that exist in the universe and are accessible to all.
  • The author suggests that individuals are not creating thoughts themselves, but rather entraining the energies of the universe to co-generate thoughts and emotions.
  • The author argues that those who understand how to manipulate thoughts and emotions can put thoughts into people's heads and dominate them.
  • The author encourages readers to consider whose ideas they are functioning on, what language they are speaking, and whose money they are using, as these factors can indicate who is dominating their thoughts.
  • The author suggests that the use of language, religion, and economic models can be used to dominate people's thoughts and ideas.

Your Thoughts are Not Yours!

Image, courtesy of Gordon Johnson (Pixabay)

We believe that every idea that pops into our head is our thought; we thought it! How do you know that someone else is not putting their thoughts into your head?

The Universal Source It is becoming obvious to the modern world that thoughts are vibrations that exist in the entire Universe. They are part of the Cosmic Reality. They do not belong to an individual.

Your thoughts are not yours. They belong to the collective — the Universe. We all get a portion of the Universe’s thought in a form respective to our mental and emotional state of being. We are the antennae receiving the thought/emotional vibrations from the Universe. We’re not creating the thought itself.

Simultaneously, we are also utilizing the vibrations of the Universe to co-generate thoughts and emotions of a particular quality. This is often mistakenly called co-creation. However, there is only one universal force that generates all potentialities or energy. We simply tap into this universal potentiality to co-generate the thoughts and emotions we desire.

However, we’re not creating it. We are merely entraining these energies. This is why thoughts and emotions can take any quality. They emerge from the infinite potential of the Universe.

The Manipulation of Thought Those that understand how to manipulate thoughts and emotions know how to put thoughts into your head. They entrain you into thinking in a certain way that benefits them.

All speakers of French are dominated by France. All speakers of English are either dominated by the United States or England or both! All speakers of Spanish are dominated by Spain. All believers in Christianity are dominated by the Vatican! You get the picture?

You do not own your mind. Your mind is an instrument that entrains Ideas. And, if someone or some government manages to convince you to speak their language, believe in their religion, or adhere to their economic model, you will be dominated by their Ideas — their thoughts!

A Moment of Contemplation! Take a moment to digest this intuitive Wisdom! Whose Ideas are you functioning on? Whose Gods do you believe in? What Language are you speaking and teaching your children? Whose calendar are you using? And, whose money are you using?

If you can answer these questions, then you have found your Master!

Self Improvement
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