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The author expresses frustration with the frequent and aggressive subscription solicitations by writers on a content platform, which has led to a decrease in their enjoyment of reading and writing.


The article titled "Your Thirsty Subscription Asks Are Why I Stopped Reading (and Writing) Stories" conveys the author's annoyance with the persistent and desperate pleas for subscriptions from writers on a medium-sized content platform. These solicitations, often filled with hyperbolic self-promotion and multiple calls to action, are described as off-putting and detrimental to the reading experience. The author provides several examples of these asks, which they find to be excessive and devalue the content itself. The prevalence of these requests has not only diminished the author's desire to read but also their motivation to write on the platform, highlighting the negative impact such aggressive marketing tactics can have on both readers and writers.


  • The author finds subscription solicitations to be a major turnoff, describing them as "desperate" and "unattractive."
  • The article suggests that the quality of writing does not always justify the persistent requests for subscriptions.
  • The author believes that the frequency and manner of these asks can cheapen the content and the platform as a whole.
  • There is a sentiment that writers should focus more on the quality of their work rather than aggressive self-promotion.
  • The author implies that a more subtle and less frequent request for support would be more effective and respectful to readers.
  • The article indicates that the author has significantly reduced their reading and writing activity on the platform due to these practices.

Your Thirsty Subscription Asks Are Why I Stopped Reading (and Writing) Stories

Stop asking so much for handouts — It’s desperate and unattractive

Photo / anyaivanova / Shutterstock

These desperate pleas for a subscription suck the life out of me every time I read one. Here are a few I collected in the last two minutes, from 15 random clicks. I modified them to make them more interesting. They started out bland and puke-worthy.

If you enjoy reading stories like these and want to support me as a writer, consider subscribing for $5 a month. As a member, you have unlimited access to stories on a medium-sized platform. Did I mention you should subscribe? Here are 5 links for all my shit. If you sign up using my links, I’ll earn a small commission. And boy am I super desperate! Please! If you don’t sign up, I will have to give up on my lifelong dream of becoming a real boy.

Subscribe to get unlimited access to stories from me (such as those linked below) and other writers on a medium-sized platform. My stories are so great that you won’t live a full life unless you read every one. Trust me on that. I’ll earn a small commission if you use my link to do this. Thanks! Without your help my wombat will never get his nose transplant, and will end his days unable to smell the roses.

Want to read more stories like this? Check out my Substack where I talk about street-side handout hustles, social prostitution, clown content creation and banana boat businesss. If you’d like to support me as a writer, consider signing up to become a medium-sized platform member. It’s just $5 a month and you get unlimited access to this medium-sized platform. Did I mention my pulitzer-prize-worthy writing, that is definitely top shelf and worth so much bragging? Oh yeah, I’m worth it.

If you’d like to read some of my other stories, plus thousands of others on medium-sized platform, why not subscribe? Part of your subscription will help struggling (and lonely) writers like me and other struggling (and much lonelier) writers on medium-sized platform. Thanks! My mother wants me to move out of her basement someday, but every penny I earn on one of my poorly-crafted stories will go straight towards more weed and snacks instead. Love you, ma! When is the mac n’ cheese ready?

I’m just so sick of reading these! It makes me not care about your writing, and want to go back in time and take my reading of your work back.

Every Thirsty Ask is Followed by Another Ask

Take a look at this ask, with an extra couple of asks, followed by a medium-sized platform’s ask. Do you like to read this kind of shit? I don’t.

Screenshot by Author

Sometimes the story is only 500 measly words, barely even a fully formed thought. And then you have the audacity to ask me to sign up for all of your unformed thoughts?!? Really?

I like to read the actual content. All of these commercials you people put at the end of a story that may not even be all that. Do you all think you’re William Shakespeare or something?

Everyone isn’t worth subscribing for.

I used to read Ten or More Stories a Day — Now I Just Can’t Even

It starts out fine. A good headline, a nice picture, a couple of tasty paragraphs. And then, what the?!? ARGGGGHHH! Another effin’ request! You just blew it!

My dislike of all of this asking is driving me right off the platform.

The Side Effect: Less Reading Means My Writing Fell Off a Cliff

I couldn’t figure out why my desire to write on medium-sized platform disappeared. It's these Godforsaken subscription pleas. It makes the whole place a little dirty and full of squalor. I don’t like hanging out here as much.

Writers, check your asks. Tone it down a little. For gosh sake, make it short and sweet. It doesn’t take two paragraphs, a photo, 4 links, and a billboard sign on the freeway. You aren’t a world-renowned rockstar selling tickets to a sold-out stadium.

Sure, ask. But give more first. Please! I’m begging you to stop polluting every story with this garbage.

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